
💳 A small React Native library for Stripe Rest API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Downloads Circle CI

The best Stripe library for React Native.


$ npm i react-native-stripe-api --save


$ yarn add react-native-stripe-api


  • include a payment form component
  • include react-native-awesome-card-io


Security issue


Stripe API

This lib need a Stripe API Key

const apiKey = '<your Stripe API Key>';
const client = new Stripe(apiKey);

// Create a Stripe token with new card infos
const token = await client.createToken('4242424242424242' , '09', '18', '111');

// Create a new customer and link your new card
const customer = await client.createCustomer(token.id, 'customer@email.com', '<Your user ID>', 'John', 'Doe');

// Create charge, 1 USD
const charge = await client.createCharge(1 * 100, customer.id, 'Payment example','USD');


Name Return Type Arguments Description
createToken Promise
  • cardNumber: string
  • expMonth: string
  • expYear: string
  • cvc: string
Create a new token (equivalent of a new card)
createCustomer Promise
  • token: string
  • email: string
Create a new customer and add card (or token)
getCustomer Promise customerId: string Retrieve customer by its id
createCharge Promise
  • amount: number
  • customer: string
  • description: string
  • currency: string = 'eur'
Create a new charge
refundCharge Promise chargeId: string Refund a previous charge
addCardToCustomer Promise
  • token: string
  • customerId: string
    Add a new card to a customer
    destroyCardOfCustomer Promise
    • cardId: string
    • customerId: string
    Delete a card from a customer

    Platform support



    Feel free to contact me or create an issue

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