
A walkthrough with sample on using a Service Fabric Managed Identity

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End-to-end walkthrough of deploying a service fabric application with managed identities.
athinanthny, amenarde
atsenthi, anmenard

Getting started with Managed Identity for Service Fabric Applications

This document walks through the process of deploying a service fabric cluster to Azure with managed identity enabled, and then deploying an application that has a managed identity to that cluster. The provided sample application uses that identity to access secrets in an Azure Key Vault.

Read more about managed identity on Service Fabric

Environment Requirements

Note: All Azure resources used in the sample should be in the same region & resource group. This includes managed identity, Key Vault, Service Fabric cluster, and storage account.

Setting up Prerequisite Resources

From an elevated powershell window, run

Select-AzSubscription -Subscription $Subscription
# If you do not already have a resource group to create resources from this walkthrough:
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location

You can create the below tabled resources yourself, or use the provided ARM template to create these resources for you by opening ResourceManagement\prerequisites.parameters.json and filling out all the fields, then starting the deployment by running from a Powershell window:

 New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -TemplateParameterFile ".\prerequisites.parameters.json" -TemplateFile ".\prerequisites.template.json" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
Resource Description
User-Assigned Managed Identity This identity will be assigned to the service fabric application
Key Vault with identity given access This keyvault will hold the cluster certificate and will be accessed by the sample application. Access policy Azure Virtual Machines for Deployment needs to be checked. The Key Vault's access policies should be configured to allow access for the managed identity
Storage Account with Blob container To deploy the application via ARM, the application package should be in a storage account. Public access level of the container needs to be set to Blob for ARM to access the storage account during deployment.
Container registry to host console service For Service Fabric to pull the containerized MISampleConsole service, it needs to be hosted in a container registry. Specific build instructions are in the walkthrough. More information on creating a containerized application in Service Fabric.

Create a cluster certificate

To deploy the cluster, a cluster certificate needs to be in Key Vault at deployment time. You can create a self-signed certificate in the portal or by running:

$Policy = New-AzKeyVaultCertificatePolicy -SubjectName $SubjectName -IssuerName Self -ValidityInMonths 12
Add-AzKeyVaultCertificate -VaultName $VaultName -Name $CertName -CertificatePolicy $Policy

Sample Application Overview

MISampleApp Service Service type Managed identity it uses How to validate it is working
MISampleWeb ASP.NET Core App User-Assigned Go to the public endpoint http://mycluster.myregion.cloudapp.azure.com:80/vault
MISampleConsole Containerized C# Console App System-Assigned Remote into node running the service at my.node.ip:3389, find the running container with command docker ps, and look at the logs with docker logs


Deploy a managed-identity-enabled cluster

Deploying to Azure using the Azure Resource Manager is the recommended way of managing Azure resources. Provided is a sample cluster ARM template to create a Service Fabric cluster with managed identity enabled. The template uses the cluster certificate provided by your key vault, creates a system-assigned identity, and enables the Managed Identity token service so deployed applications can access their identities.

To use the provided template:

  1. Open ResourceManagement/cluster.parameters.json and complete the fields clusterLocation, adminUserName, adminPassword, sourceVaultValue, certificateUrlValue, certificateThumbprint
  2. In ResourceManagement/cluster.parameters.json, manually, or using ctrl-f and replace-all, change all instances of mi-test to a unique name, like myusername-mi-test. This will help ensure the deployment resource names do not conflict with the names of other public resources.
  3. Start the deployment by running from a Powershell window:
 New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -TemplateParameterFile ".\cluster.parameters.json" -TemplateFile ".\cluster.template.json" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName

Deploy the sample application

Application and Service Definition Changes

  1. In MISampleApp/ApplicationPackageRoot/ApplicationManifest.xml, complete RepositoryCredentials with the credentials for your container registry.
  2. In MISampleApp/ApplicationPackageRoot/MISampleConsolePkg/ServiceManifest.xml, complete sfmi_observed_vault and sfmi_observed_Secret under EnvironmentVariables with the information of the secret you would like the console app to access. Complete ImageName under ContainerHost with the container repository address the image will be hosted at.
  3. In MISampleWb/PackageRoot/ServiceManifest.xml, complete sfmi_observed_vault and sfmi_observed_Secret under EnvironmentVariables with the information of the secret the web app should access.
  4. In SFMISampleConsole/build.ps1, enter your desired image name.

Packaging and building your application

  1. Package MISampleApp and upload it to your storage account.
  2. Build the console app by running .\build.ps1 in SFMISampleConsole from an elevated powershell window.
  3. Push the image to your private Azure Container Repository

Deploy sample app

  1. Open ResourceManagement/app.parameters.json and complete clusterName, applicationPackageURL, and userAssignedIdentityName.
    • aplicationPackageUrl can be found by navigating into the blob container containing your application in your storage account, clicking into the application you would like to create, and copying the contents of URL.
  2. Start the deployment by running from a Powershell window:
 New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -TemplateParameterFile ".\app.parameters.json" -TemplateFile ".\app.template.json" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
  1. Before the application starts running, the console app will not have access to a key vault. The application's system assigned identity is created only after the application is deployed. Once the application is deployed, the system assigned identity can be given access permission to keyvault. The system assigned identity's name is {cluster}/{application name}/{servicename}

Next Steps


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