
Gitana is a lightweight dashboard sync

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Gitana is a lightweight application that will help you sync Grafana dashboards from a Git repository to Kubernetes ConfigMap and leverages the dashboard sidecar on the Grafana helm chart that provisions dashboard ConfigMaps created by Gitana into Grafana.

Sync Command Flags

./gitana sync --help

The sync command pulls the Grafana dashboards from a Git repository and foreach dashboard it will creates a config map for that dashboard:

  gitana sync [flags]

      --dashboard.folder-annotation string   dashboard folder annotation
      --dashboard.labels string              dashboard label selector (default "grafana_dashboard=nil")
  -h, --help                                 help for sync
      --http.port string                     listem port for http endpoints (default ":9754")
      --kubeconfig string                    (optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file
      --log.level string                     listem port for http endpoints (default "info")
      --namespace string                     namespace that will store the dashboard config map (default "default")
      --repository.auth.password string      password to perform authentication
      --repository.auth.username string      username to perform authentication
      --repository.branch string             path to clone the git repository (default "main")
      --repository.path string               path to clone the git repository
      --repository.url string                git repository url
      --sync-timer duration                  interval to sync and sync dashboards (default 5m0s)


Contributions are very welcome! See our CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.

Docker images

Docker images are available on Docker Hub.

Building from source

To build Prometheus from source code, first ensure that you have a working Go environment with version 1.16 or greater installed.

To build the source code you can use the make build, which will compile in the assets so that Gitana can be run from anywhere:

    $ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/gitana
    $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/gitana
    $ git clone https://github.com/nicolastakashi/gitana.git
    $ cd gitana
    $ make build
    $ ./gitana sync <args>

The Makefile provides several targets:

  • build: build the gitana
  • fmt: format the source code
  • vet: check the source code for common errors