
Removes the owner password from a PDF document.

PDFLiberator is just a simple utility for removing the owner password from a PDF
document.  There are a lot of cases where a public document has been
inappropriately protected with an unknown owner password.  An owner password
prohibits modifications of such a document.  PDFLiberator uses the iText
(http://www.lowagie.com/iText/) library to remove the owner password.

You will need a JVM and the iText runtime libraries.  Because iText depends on
the BouncyCastle library, you will also need to download it from

An example invocation:

java -classpath bin:iText-2.1.5.jar:bcprov-jdk15-142.jar com.stackframe.pdfliberator.PDFLiberator file.pdf

When - is supplied as the only argument, the PDF file to process is read from
standard input and the modified version is written to standard output.

If no arguments are supplied, a GUI is presented for interactive selection of
files to process.

Gene McCulley