
Ask @mcdave anything!


This is a quick little ask-me-anything type of repository. It is forked from @holman's feedback repo and seems like a pretty fantastic idea in lieu of traditional blog comments, email, and the like.

If you have any technical problems with Git or GitHub, you're better off asking GitHub Support directly, since you'll end up getting a much faster response back that way.

Ask a question

Asking a question is as easy as creating a new issue on this project.

I'll try to answer it as soon as I can get to it. Once I answer I'll close the issue just so I know what I've covered, but don't worry- if you have any further questions just respond in the thread and I'll get back to you soon. Feel free to ask a question on any old issue too, even if you didn't create it.

Read some questions

Check out the Closed Issues filter on this repository to browse questions I've answered in the past. I try to use this as an email replacement that everyone can see, so feel free to dig into some of the older threads.


If you have something quick and easy, just ping me on Twitter. 140 characters makes everyone more efficient. I'm @mcdave on Twitter.


Esto es un pequeño repo para preguntas de todo tipo. Es un fork de @holman's feedback repo y parece una idea fantástica respecto a los tracicionales comentarios en el blog, emails y cosas por el estilo.

Haz una pregunta

Hacer preguntas es tan fácil como crear una nueva issue en este proyecto.

Intentaré contestar tan pronto pueda. Una vez contestado cerraré la issue, si tienes alguna otra pregunta responde directamente en el tema y responderé en cuanto pueda. Pregunta sin problemas en cualquier issue cerrada, aunque no la hayas creado tu.

Lee algunas preguntas

Chequea las Issues cerradas de este repositorio para ver las preguntas que ya he contestado. Trataré de usar esto como una alternativa al email que todo el mundo puede ver, así que siéntete libre para navegar por los temas viejos.


Si necesitas algo rápido y fácil, asáltame por Twitter. Los 140 caracteres son más eficientes. Soy @mcdave en Twitter.