
Python animation code, works with "post processed" c binaries.

Primary LanguagePython


Getting started

Each python/bash code now has an identifier at the top of the code that reads

#!/usr/bin/python or #!/usr/bin/bash

you may make these executable files by typing the following in a terminal

$ chmod u+x *py *sh

then you can either run the usual way:

$ python ~/Codes/animation_code/channel_colloid_movie_maker.py

or now that you've set these as executables, you don't need to tell the terminal what kind of code you're running

$ ~/Codes/animation_code/channel_colloid_movie_maker.py



For Adrian's project. Expects to find Pa0 and a "cmovie" format (i.e. the binary file has the type and radius)


For Tiare's project. Expects to find Pcw0 and a "smovie" format (i.e. the binary file just has id, x, y)


Collection of plotting subroutines called by all movie_maker codes


Collection of data reading subroutines, both binary and ascii. The ascii has been made faster using np.loadtxt()


Uses colloid_plot_library.py as does the movie codes optional command line arguments, so you can set the plottime and output file type (png, pdf, etc) at run time. $ ~/Codes/animation_code/make_image.py -t 5000 -f "pdf"


For D.M.'s projects


Translates time separated data (stored in velocity_data/XV...) into particle separated data (stored in position_data/id00_XV...)

To run, be in directory with velocity_data and run


** for any code, you can play with the colors or particle sizes and other options by digging around the source code. **