
Racket language support in Emacs Org-mode

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Racket language support in Emacs Org-mode

Support for evaluating racket code in org mode. See the Working with source code section in the org manual.

ob-racket.el is based on on previous work from:


  1. Install Org mode
  2. Install Racket
  3. Download ob-racket.el and place it in your load-path
  4. When using use-package add the following to your init.el file:
    (use-package ob-racket
      :after org
      :pin manual
      (append '((racket . t) (scribble . t)) org-babel-load-languages))
  5. Optionally install either racket-mode or geiser to edit racket code.

Usage examples

In addition to the header arguments common to all languages, ob-racket has some specific ones to control how code is evaluated.
  • :cmd set to racket --require-script by default.

    Determines which racket executable and the switches that will be used to evaluate the code.

  • :lang Not set by default.

    Specifies the racket language to use in the script.

    When this argument is not set, your code should start with a #lang line.

    When it is set, your code will be automatically wrapped with #lang followed by the value of the header argument.

    This distinction allows your code to include external :var values as well as adding :prologue and :epilogue.

  • :eval-file Not set by default.

    When requiring modules that are relative to the code block the evaluation needs to happen in a specific path instead of org-babel-temporary-directory.

    :eval-file FILENAME Can be used to specify where the code block is written and evaluated.

    If :eval-file “” is used, the name is taken from #+NAME and rkt is used as the extension. :output-dir can be used to specify the directory.

No header arguments

#+begin_src racket
  #lang racket

  (define str-1 "hello")
  (define str-2 "world")
  (define all (string-join (list str-1 str-2) ", "))
  (display (string-titlecase all))


Hello, World

:results output

#+begin_src racket :lang racket/base :results output
  "Hello world"
  '(a list of symbols)


"Hello world"
'(a list of symbols)

Lists – :results value is implied

#+NAME: a-list
#+begin_src racket :lang racket/base :results list
  '(Hello Wonderful World)


  • hello
  • wonderful
  • world

Variables and tables – :results value is implied

#+begin_src racket :lang racket/base :results table :var input=a-list
  (list input null input)




#+begin_src racket :lang racket/base :var x=a-list :debug t
  (display x)
  (display "Hello World")


#lang racket/base
(define-values (x) (values '(hello wonderful world)))
(display x)
(display "Hello World")


#+NAME: code
#+begin_src racket :file-ext rkt
  #lang racket

  (provide fn)
  (define (fn)
    (display "Hello World"))

Creates the file code.rkt in the current directory with this content:

#lang racket

(provide fn)
(define (fn)
  (display "Hello World"))

The content of the file is not evaluated.


:results output needs to be set to get the result of the evaluation.

#+NAME: eval-file
#+begin_src racket :eval-file "" :results output
  #lang racket

  (require "code.rkt") ;; Created in the `File` sample

Creates the file eval-file.rkt in the current directory with this content:

#lang racket

(require "code.rkt") ;; Created in the `File` sample

And outputs:

Hello World

Source code

The contents of ob-racket.el are extracted from this file. To re-generate the code, open this file in an Emacs buffer and M-x org-babel-tangle. The complete source will be in exported to ob-racket.el.

Main (Public functions)


(defun org-babel-execute:racket (body params)
  "Evaluate a `racket' code block.  BODY and PARAMS.

Some custom header arguments are supported to control the
evaluation.  These are:

- :lang which adds rackets `#lang :lang' to BODY allowing the
  code to take a :prologue, :epilogue and :var.  :var is
  supported only if `:lang' starts with `racket', `plai' or

- :cmd which allows to set the racket executable and the switches
  on each code block.

- :debug which outputs the body before passing it to the

- :eval-file FILENAME which writes the body to FILENAME and then
  evaluates the result.  When FILENAME is equal to \"\" it is
  derived from the code-block name."
  (let ((lang      (alist-get :lang params))
        (vars      (org-babel--get-vars params))
        (prologue  (alist-get :prologue params))
        (epilogue  (alist-get :epilogue params))
        (cmd       (alist-get :cmd params "racket -u"))
        (ext       (alist-get :file-ext params "rkt"))
        (file      (alist-get :file params))
        (eval-file (alist-get :eval-file params))

    (when (eq "" eval-file)
      (setq eval-file (alist-get :file
                                  (nth 4 (org-babel-get-src-block-info))
                                  (cons (cons :file-ext ext) params)))))

    (setq x-body (if (or lang vars prologue epilogue)
                     (ob-racket--wrap-body body lang vars prologue epilogue)

    (if (assq :debug params)
      (if file
          (with-temp-file file (insert x-body))
        (let* ((temp (or eval-file
                         (org-babel-temp-file "ob-" (concat "." ext))))
               (result (progn (with-temp-file temp (insert x-body))
                              (org-babel-eval (concat cmd " " temp) ""))))
           (org-babel-result-cond (alist-get :result-params params)
             (ob-racket--table-or-string result))
           (org-babel-pick-name (alist-get :colname-names params)
                                (alist-get :colnames params))
           (org-babel-pick-name (alist-get :rowname-names params)
                                (alist-get :rownames params))))))))


(defun org-babel-prep-session:racket (session params)
  "Not implemented.  SESSION and PARAMS are discarded."
  (error "`racket` presently does not support sessions"))

Auxiliary (Private functions)


(defun ob-racket--table-or-string (results)
  "Convert RESULTS into an appropriate elisp value.
If RESULTS look like a table, then convert them into an Emacs-lisp table,
otherwise return the results as a string."
  (let ((res (org-babel-script-escape results)))
    (if (listp res)
         (lambda (el)
           (if (equal el 'nil)
               org-babel-racket-nil-to el))


(defun ob-racket--wrap-body (body lang vars prologue epilogue)
  "Wraps BODY with LANG as well as VARS, PROLOGUE and EPILOGUE if present.
If LANG is NIL, it defaults to `racket'.
VARS is only supported when LANG starts with `racket', `plai' or `lazy'.
Returns the wrapped body as a string."
  (let ((lang-line (or lang "racket"))
        (var-defs nil))
    (when (> (length vars) 0)
      (if (or (string-prefix-p "racket" lang-line)
              (string-prefix-p "plai" lang-line)
              (string= "lazy" lang-line))
          (setq var-defs (ob-racket--vars-to-values vars))
         ":var is only supported when :lang starts with `racket', `plai' or `lazy'")))
  (mapconcat #'identity
              (list (format "#lang %s\n" lang-line))
              (when prologue (list (ob-racket--expand-fmt pro)))
              (list body)
              (when epilogue (list (ob-racket--expand-fmt epi))))


(defun ob-racket--vars-to-values (vars)
  "Convers VARS to a string of racket code.
VARS are wrapped as define-values."
    "(define-values ("
    (mapconcat (lambda (var) (format "%s" (car var))) vars " ")
    ") (values"
    (mapconcat (lambda (var)
                 (let ((val (cdr var)))
                   (format (if (listp val) " '%S" " %S") val))) vars "")


(defun ob-racket--expand-fmt (fmt &optional params)
  "Expands a format list `FMT', and return a string.
Substitutes symbols according to the `params` alist.
The `fmt` argument may also be a string, in which
case it is returned as is."
  (if (stringp fmt)
     (lambda (x)
        ((stringp x) x)
        ((eq x 'ln) "\n")
        ((eq x 'quot) "\"")
        ((eq x 'apos) "\'")
        ((symbolp x)
         (let ((p (cdr (assq x params))))
           (unless p
             (error "Key %s not in %S" x params))
           (format "%s" p)))
        (t (error "Expected string or symbol: %S" fmt))))
     fmt "")))

Custom options

(defcustom org-babel-racket-hline-to "nil"
  "Replace hlines in incoming tables with this when translating to racket."
  :group 'org-babel
  :version "25.3"
  :package-version '(Org . "9.1.6")
  :type 'string)

(defcustom org-babel-racket-nil-to 'hline
  "Replace 'nil' in racket tables with this before returning."
  :group 'org-babel
  :version "25.3"
  :package-version '(Org . "9.1.6")
  :type 'symbol)


Default header arguments.

(defvar org-babel-default-header-args:racket
  '((:cmd . "racket --require-script"))
  "Default arguments when evaluating a Racket source block.
Defaulting `:cmd' to `racket --require-script'.")


;;; ob-racket.el --- Racket language support in Emacs Org-mode  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2018 DEADB17
;; This code is based on on previous work from:
;; - wallyqs https://github.com/wallyqs/ob-racket
;; - hasu https://github.com/hasu/emacs-ob-racket
;; - xchrishawk https://github.com/xchrishawk/ob-racket

;; Author: DEADB17
;; Version: 1.0.0
;; Created: 2018-01-07
;; Keywords: literate programming, racket
;; Homepage: https://github.com/DEADB17/ob-racket

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs

;;; License:

;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;; Support for evaluating racket code in org-mode
;; See https://orgmode.org/manual/Working-with-source-code.html

;; Requirements:

;; - Racket, see http://racket-lang.org/
;; - either racket-mode or geiser

;; For racket-mode, see https://github.com/greghendershott/racket-mode
;; For geiser, see http://www.nongnu.org/geiser/

;;; Code:

(require 'ob)

;; add racket to languages supported by org
(defvar org-babel-tangle-lang-exts)
(add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '("racket" . "rkt"))





(provide 'ob-racket)

;;; ob-racket.el ends here