
Paste app for app.net.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Paste away at http://paste-app.net.


Paste allows you to create and view short text clippings using app.net. Each paste has a public link that can be viewed without logging in to app.net, but an app.net account is required to create pastes. Logged-in users also see a list of their own recent pastes.


Paste-app is a pasteboard/pinboard running on the social networking platform app.net. Paste-app is the brainchild of Jonathon Duerig, @duerig, and is based on his code from the first session in the Learning the app.net API 101 patter room:


Each paste has a public link that can be viewed without logging in to app.net, as well as a "private" link which will display both the selected paste and a list of the logged-in user's recent pastes. To create a new paste, you will need a (free) app.net account. Pastes now have an optional title, type, and tags.


Pastes are messages in a user-created channel of type net.paste-app.clip. The paste text itself is contained in an annotation of type net.paste-app.clip, while the message text contains the private link to the paste. (The public link is a base 36 encoding of the channel and message IDs, which allows retrieval without authentication.) You can direct the user to the private link (the paste-app.net website) to view the paste or retrieve the message yourself to display within an app. The code is all client-side and is available at github, but you will need either mod_rewrite (the .htaccess file) or Amazon-style rerouting (the .aws-routing file) to resolve paste urls.


The app uses appnet.js, jquery, mustache.js, purl.js (for url handling), highlight.js (for code highlighting), and Skeleton, a responsive HTML5 template. The ransom note font used in the images is BlackCasper by AllencHIU cHIU.