
A CLI helper tool for Puppet vmpooler to help you stay afloat

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Gem Version Build Status Coverage Status Dependabot Status

A CLI helper tool for Puppet's vmpooler to help you stay afloat.

float image


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$ floaty --help



    A CLI helper tool for Puppet's vmpooler to help you stay afloat


    completion Outputs path to completion script
    delete     Schedules the deletion of a host or hosts
    get        Gets a vm or vms based on the os argument
    help       Display global or [command] help documentation
    list       Shows a list of available vms from the pooler or vms obtained with a token
    modify     Modify a VM's tags, time to live, disk space, or reservation reason
    query      Get information about a given vm
    revert     Reverts a vm to a specified snapshot
    snapshot   Takes a snapshot of a given vm
    ssh        Grabs a single vm and sshs into it
    status     Prints the status of pools in the pooler service
    summary    Prints a summary of a pooler service
    token      Retrieves or deletes a token or checks token status


    -h, --help
        Display help documentation

    -v, --version
        Display version information

    -t, --trace
        Display backtrace when an error occurs

Example workflow

Grabbing a token for authenticated pooler requests:

floaty token get --user username --url https://vmpooler.example.net/api/v1

This command will then ask you to log in. If successful, it will return a token that you can save either in a dotfile or use with other cli commands.

Grabbing vms:

floaty get centos-7-x86_64=2 debian-7-x86_64 windows-10=3 --token mytokenstring --url https://vmpooler.example.net/api/v1

vmfloaty dotfile

If you do not wish to continually specify various config options with the cli, you can have a dotfile in your home directory for some defaults. For example:

Basic configuration

# file at ~/.vmfloaty.yml
url: 'https://vmpooler.example.net/api/v1'
user: 'brian'
token: 'tokenstring'

Now vmfloaty will use those config files if no flag was specified.

Default to Puppet's ABS instead of vmpooler

# file at ~/.vmfloaty.yml
url: 'https://abs.example.net'
user: 'brian'
token: 'tokenstring'
type: 'abs'

Configuring multiple services

Most commands allow you to specify a --service <servicename> option to allow the use of multiple vmpooler instances. This can be useful when you'd rather not specify a --url or --token by hand for alternate services.

To configure multiple services, you can set up your ~/.vmfloaty.yml config file like this:

# file at /Users/me/.vmfloaty.yml
user: 'brian'
    url: 'https://vmpooler.example.net/api/v1'
    token: 'tokenstring'
    url: 'https://vmpooler.example.com/api/v1'
    token: 'alternate-tokenstring'
  • If you run floaty without a --service <name> option, vmfloaty will use the first configured service by default. With the config file above, the default would be to use the 'main' vmpooler instance.
  • If keys are missing for a configured service, vmfloaty will attempt to fall back to the top-level values. With the config file above, 'brian' will be used as the username for both configured services, since neither specifies a username.

Examples using the above configuration:

List available vm types from our main vmpooler instance:

floaty list --service main
# or, since the first configured service is used by default:
floaty list

List available vm types from our alternate vmpooler instance:

floaty list --service alternate

Using a Nonstandard Pooler service

vmfloaty is capable of working with Puppet's nonstandard pooler in addition to the default vmpooler API. To add a nonstandard pooler service, specify an API type value in your service configuration, like this:

# file at /Users/me/.vmfloaty.yml
user: 'brian'
    url: 'https://vmpooler.example.net/api/v1'
    token: 'tokenstring'
    url: 'https://nspooler.example.net/api/v1'
    token: 'nspooler-tokenstring'
    type: 'nonstandard'  # <-- 'type' is necessary for any non-vmpooler service
    url: 'https://abs.example.net/'
    token: 'abs-tokenstring'
    type: 'abs'  # <-- 'type' is necessary for any non-vmpooler service

With this configuration, you could list available OS types from nspooler like this:

floaty list --service ns

Valid config keys

Here are the keys that vmfloaty currently supports:

  • verbose (Boolean)
  • token (String)
  • user (String)
  • url (String)
  • services (String)
  • type (String)

Tab Completion

There is a basic completion script for Bash (and possibly other shells) included with the gem in the extras/completions folder. To activate, that file simply needs to be sourced somehow in your shell profile.

For convenience, the path to the completion script for the currently active version of the gem can be found with the floaty completion subcommand. This makes it easy to add the completion script to your profile like so:

source $(floaty completion --shell bash)

If you are running on macOS and use Homebrew's bash-completion formula, you can symlink the script to /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/floaty and it will be sourced automatically:

ln -s $(floaty completion --shell bash) /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/floaty

vmpooler API

This cli tool uses the vmpooler API.

Using the Pooler class

vmfloaty providers a Pooler class that gives users the ability to make requests to vmpooler without having to write their own requests. It also provides an Auth class for managing vmpooler tokens within your application.

Example Projects

Special thanks

Special thanks to Brian Cain as he is the original author of vmfloaty! Vast amounts of this code exist thanks to his efforts.