Couldn't confirm login tty to be neither local or remote - denying (Fedora 37)
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Which version of pam_usb are you running?
Which distribution are you using?
Fedora 37
Which login manager and desktop environment are you using?
Xfce 4.16, lightdm 1.32.0
What happened?
Attempts to check using xfce4-terminal does not work. The troubleshooting page asks to create an issue about this.
The expected result is a working setup and successful authentication.
Output of "pamusb-check --debug whoami
* Authentication request for user "worf" (pamusb-check)
[src/local.c:227] Checking whether the caller (pamusb-check) is local or not...
[src/local.c:238] Checking pid 116049 (pamusb-check)...
[src/local.c:238] Checking pid 41095 (bash)...
[src/local.c:238] Checking pid 27765 (/usr/bin/xfce4-terminal)...
[src/local.c:238] Checking pid 1 (/usr/lib/systemd/systemd)...
[src/local.c:296] Using DISPLAY :0.0 for utmp search
[src/local.c:301] DISPLAY contains screen, truncating...
[src/local.c:050] No utmp entry found for tty ":0."
[src/local.c:312] Trying to get tty from display server
[src/local.c:322] Failed, no result while trying to get TTY from display server
[src/local.c:327] Trying to get tty by DISPLAY
[src/local.c:335] Failed, no result while searching utmp for display :0. owned by user worf
[src/local.c:344] Trying to get tty by loginctl
[src/local.c:214] 'loginctl' returned nothing.'
[src/local.c:355] Failed, no result while searching utmp for tty (null)
[src/local.c:367] Fallback: Using TTY /dev/pts/4 from ttyname() for search
[src/local.c:050] No utmp entry found for tty "pts/4"
[src/local.c:378] Couldn't confirm login tty to be neither local or remote - denying.
* Access denied.
Output of "w"
19:04:24 up 18:27, 2 users, load average: 3.34, 3.22, 2.43
worf tty1 00:39 18:25m 1:44m 1.89s xfce4-session
worf pts/1 17:45 4:48 1:12 1:12 /usr/local/bin/cmus
Output of "loginctl"
2 1337 worf seat0
1 sessions listed.
@worf1337 I finally set up a fresh VM and tested a bit today. Seems I introduced a bug related to shortening DISPLAY when it contains the screen identifier.
Seems it's fixed now. See my screenshot, the marked areas, and compare with your screenshot.
Please try again with this RPM:
Whoops, sorry I forgot this issue existed. I'll test this tomorrow. Thanks!
It worked great, thanks for this.
Whoops, sorry I forgot this issue existed. I'll test this tomorrow. Thanks!
np, considering how long it took me to look at it I'm happy to get a response at all haha.
Thanks for the feedback, will be included in next release then.