=== eVoyeur Tools ===
Contributors: Corey Slavnik and Stéfan Sinclair
Link: http://hermeneuti.ca/voyeur
Tags: text, analysis, literature
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.0
Stable tag: trunk

eVoyeur Tools provides the functionality of Voyeur Tools for analysis of any posts within Wordpress.

== Description ==

Voyeur is a web-based text analysis environment. It is designed to be user-friendly, flexible and powerful.
Voyeur is part of the Hermeneuti.ca, a collaborative project to develop and theorize text analysis tools and text analysis rhetoric.
The Voyeur plugin for Wordpress gives users the ability to analyse any of their posts on their Wordpress installation.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the contents of 'voyeurWP' info a folder named 'voyeurWP' in the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. Add the eVoyeur Tools widget within the widgets menu in the administrative panel. (Appearance > Widgets)
	(This is achieved by clicking and dragging the eVoyeur Tools widget across to the panel. For more information, please
	see http://support.wordpress.com/widgets/)

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I make eVoyeur Tools stop launching automatically? =

Navigate to the eVoyeur Tools widget settings in the admin panel (Appearance > Widgets). Click on the eVoyeur Tools widget tab
(the dropdown arrow) and unclick the setting "Voyeur launches automatically on page load." Then click the 'Save'

= Some of the tools don't work correctly! =

eVoyeur Tools (or, Voyeur Tools) is a project that is still in its beta phase. Some tools may malfunction, or not work
as intended.