Transport simulation playground

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

TSIM CI status

Transport simulation playground


How to run (real-time mode)

  1. RabbitMQ must be running: podman build --tag tsim-rabbitmq tsim-rabbitmq && and podman run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -p 15674:15674 tsim-rabbitmq
  2. Open project in Rider
  3. Build and execute target "TSIM". This initializes the simulation database from "data/scenario.json" and writes the database to "simdb.sqlite" (for the moment hardcoded)
  4. Build and execute target "TSIM.WebServer". The database will be loaded and simulation can be observed in the browser. The trains are just programmed to try and stop at the closest station until better control architecture is implemented.

Other IDEs (VS Code), command line

mkdir -p work
dotnet run --project TSIM -- work/simdb.sqlite \
        --importscenario maps/cern1.json \
        --simulate \
        --rendersvg work/output.svg
dotnet run --project TSIM.SimServer
# + in another shell:
dotnet watch --project TSIM.WebServer run

# alternatively, to be reachable from the internet
dotnet run --project TSIM.WebServer --launch-profile Production --urls\;

Visualizing data post-mortem

Use the provided Jupyter notebook to load and visualize the generated simlog.csv.

How to run tests

dotnet test TSIM.Tests

Extracting dataset (Praha subway)

osmosis --read-pbf praha-latest.osm.pbf
--tf accept-ways railway=subway
--tf reject-relations
--write-xml praha-subway.osm

Then import OSM into QGIS... and do what?

Installing .NET Core

See: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0

You will also need host Cairo and Pango libraries (e.g. dnf install cairo paingo on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora)

Editing with QGIS

TODO: add sources to repo

  • edit source data
  • manually merge cern1_track + cern1_stops into cern1.geojson
  • re-run imporscenario