
WordPress.org Plugin Mirror

Primary LanguageJavaScript

=== Wordpress Auction Plugin ===
Contributors: nitesh_singh,WisdmLabs
Donate link: http://auctionplugin.net/
Tags: auctions,auction,auction plugin,wp auction,wordpress auction,wp auctions,auction script,ebay,ebay auction,bidding
Requires at least: 3.4
Tested up to: 3.8.1
License: GPLv2 or later
Stable tag: trunk

Awesome plugin to host auctions on your wordpress site and sell anything you want.

== Description ==

The **Ultimate Wordpress Auction** plugin allows easy and quick way to set up a professional auction website in ebay style.

Simple and flexible, Ultimate Wordpress Auction plugin works with any WordPress theme. 
Lots of features, very configurable.  Easy to setup.  Great support.

*   [Upgrade to the Pro Version Now! »](http://auctionplugin.net/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=wp+plugin+repos&utm_campaign=WP+to+Auction+Plugin+Site+)
*   [Paypal Invoice - Addon for Free Plugin »](http://auctionplugin.net/addon)
*   [Shipping Cost/Postage - Addon for Free Plugin »](http://auctionplugin.net/addon)
*   [Categories - Addon for Free Plugin »](http://auctionplugin.net/addon/#tour_page_3)

 = PRO VERSION Features =
    1. Registered User of your site can add auction to your site.
	2. Front End Dashboard to users to add/manage auction.
	3. Admin can charge listing fee to post auction.
    4. Admin can charge commission fee on final bidding price.   
	5. Include Shipping Cost for auctions.
	6. Categories feature - Group your auctions in multiple categories and view efficiently.
	7. Integrated Paypal Invoicing for handling payments.
	8. Admin can manage auctions, bids of all users.
	9. Add more than 4 images for your auction. You can even select multiple images for upload.
	10. Start Date Feature - Schedule your auction for later date.

 = Core Features =
    1. Registered User can place bids 
	2. Ajax Admin panel for better management.
    3. Add standard auctions for bidding
    4. Buy Now option with paypal
    5. Upload multiple product images
    6. Show auctions in your timezone        
    7. Paypal ready payment settings
    8. Set Reserve price for your product
	9. Set Bid incremental value for auctions
	10. Ability to edit, delete & end live auctions
	11. Re-activate Expired auctions
	12. Email notifications to bidders for placing bids
    13. Email notification to Admin for all activity
    14. Email Sent for Payment Alerts
	15. Outbid Email sent to all bidders who has been outbidded.
	16. Count Down Timer for auctions.
	17. Lightbox feature to display auction images
    and Much more...
 = Display Features =
    1. Auction feed Page which shows excertps of live auctions
    2. Pagination feature for feed page
    3. Professionally styled Dedicated auction page via wordpress custom post
    4. Comments section for each auction page
	5. Send Private Message section for each auction page
	6. Tested with multiple Wordpress theme

== Installation ==


Please backup your wordpress database before you install/uninstall/activate/deactivate/upgrade Ultimate Wordpress Auction Plugin.

Manual Installation

1. Upload the `ultimate-auction` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory

2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

3. Visit Settings tab of the plugin and enter "payment settings" and general settings.

4. After you have setup your settings you can go to "Add Auction" tab to add your auction.

5. After you have added auctions, go to "Pages" inside your admin dashboard and add a new page.

6. Enter this text "[wdm_auction_listing]" as a shortcode inside this new page and publish it. 

7. If you have a Default Wordpress theme installed then the page you published (on step 6) will be accessible through top menu bar. NOTE: For Cusotm themes you would be required to add the page on top menu bar.

This page is responsible for displaying all live auctions. If you click a specific auction on this page, it'll open specific auction page where your visitors can place bids and perform all actions related to tht auction.

== Screenshots ==

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Changelog ==
= 2.0.0 = 
* Plugin now supports Category Addon - If you want category feature then you need to buy category addon.
* Added Countdown timer for auctions.
* Breadcrumb added for dedicated auction.
* Bid Now button added on feed page.
* Lightbox feature to display auction images

= 1.0.5 = 
* HTML editor added for Product description field.
* Bulk delete feature added for Manage Auction.
* Feed page Shortcode Issue resolved: Use your own text below and above shortcode.
* Resolved plugin conflicts: Renamed common variables which causes issues with other loosely coded plugins.
* Bug Resolved pertaining to End Auction when 2 bidders are competing for auction till last minute.

= 1.0.4 = 
* Outbid Email which sends emails to all existing bidders that you have been outbid
* Code to integrate with Shipping Cost Addon. This lets you add shipping cost in auctions.

= 1.0.3 = 
* Decimal Pricing is now possible. 
To make this work: Update your plugin to 1.0.3 & then deactivate & re-activate the plugin. 

= 1.0.2 = 
* Pagination bug resolved

= 1.0.1 =
* New Feature added where only registered users can place bids
* Major CRLF bug resolved

= 1.0.0 =
Alpha Launch