
Context-Driven Detection tailored for DUSIA

Primary LanguagePython

Context-Driven Detection of Invertebrate Species in Deep-Sea Video

This is the code for the CVPR22 CV4Animal's poster. This work has recently been accepted to be published in the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV).

Thanks to Connor for helping organize my research code into this repository.


This project was written and tested using Python 3.7 on Ubuntu 16.04. You may need as much as 450 GB for all dependencies, code, raw videos, and uncompressed video data. You may need more if you want to work with alternative training splits since training requires decompressing some of the video frames.

Data Download

The data will be available on BisQue. To download the data see instructions here https://www.austinmcever.com/CDD4DUSIA#h.796kvbv3ui3r


In order to get all the correct versions of dependencies, we recommend running this code using our provided Docker container. To do so follow these steps:

  • Make sure you have Docker installed

      docker version
  • Pull the CDD4Dusia Image

      docker pull connor11son/cdd4dusia
  • If you only have the videos downloaded, run this command to start the container and continue to "Data Preparation"

      docker run -it --ipc="host" --gpus all -v /ABSOLUTE-PATH-TO-VIDEOS/:/workspace/cdd4dusia/data/vids cdd4dusia
    • Note: If you have already extracted the frames with annotations for training, or you would like to save the frames outside of the container, mount the frames to /workspace/cdd4dusia/data/frames in a similar fashion. For example,

      docker run -it --ipc="host" --gpus all -v /ABSOLUTE-PATH-TO-VIDEOS/:/workspace/cdd4dusia/data/vids -v /ABSOLUTE-PATH-TO/cdd4dusia/data/frames:/workspace/cdd4dusia/data/frames
    • If you do not have nvidia-docker installed (highly recommended), do not include the GPU argument

Running without Docker

Not all systems and Python versions are compatible with this code. This project was written and tested using Python 3.7 on Ubuntu 16.04. Begin by cloning the code and ensuring all soft links are properly handled.

Config File

Inside of config.yaml make sure that the paths to data directory and the directory of downloaded videos is correct


You probably want to set up a virtual environment before you run

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

Training the model requires decompressing and saving frames from the original video to allow for fast training. This will require a significant amount of storage as it pulls frames from compressed video and saves them uncompressed in .npy files. Due to discrepancies in different video codecs and video seeking, it is highly recommended to use this repo's scripts to pull frames to ensure the pulled frames' numbers match those in the annotations.

cd cdd_utils
python pull_frames_from_lst.py

Note that this will save uncompressed NumPy arrays inside of cdd4dusia/data/frames. If you cloned the repo on a smaller drive (say, an SSD) and would like to store the data on a separate drive, it is recommended to link to cdd4dusia/data/frames to that separate drive before running this command.

Train the Model

python train.py

Run with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES set to whatever you want. You can change the hyper-parameters of the model and training script inside of config.yaml.