
A Mobile App showing how to implement OAuth 2.0 with Google API on Phonegap with Childbrowser

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Implementing OAuth 2.0 with Google API in Phonegap

The code demonstrates how to implement OAuth 2.0 with Google API in Phonegap. Below are different screenshots of the App. The App authorize a Google Tasks API using OAuth 2.0 and then it accesses the User's Tasks and displays them in a list view.

AuthorizeView AuthorizeGoogleLogin AuthorizeAllowApp TaskListView

Download and Install Demo App

You can download and install the App from Phonegap Build directly:
Note: You can also fork project, customize and then build your app using PhoneGap build system.

Read Online Tutorial

The online tutorial explaining the code is posted at :


Install Functional App from Play Store

You can also download fully functional TODO app, which uses Google's cloud based Tasks API. Currently we've released this only on Google Play store.

[Quick Task on Google™ Play][PlayStoreLink] [PlayStoreLink]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ca.liquidlabs.quicktask

Known Issues

  • Some users have reported that this app does not authorize on Windows Phone platform. It gives invalid_grant error during authorization process. It could be related with localStorage html5 data-store, but not confirmed yet. If you have already fixed this issue, please share the fix with us.


Author: Abdullah Rubiyath, Hossain Khan
The code is licensed under MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2012 Liquid Labs Inc.