
An pure python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery

Primary LanguagePython

This is a fairly extensive fork of:

    Multicast DNS Service Discovery for Python v0.12 by Paul Scott-Murphy.

The package zeroconf contains most of the functional code.
The module zeroconf/mdns.py contains a threaded mDNS query/responder 
The module zeroconf/mcastsocket.py provides low-level multicast socket 
setup and group membership functions.

The samplecode/ directory contains various sample code.

    Browser.py -- sample MDNS service browser
    nameprobe -- probe and attempt to reserve a .local MDNS name

To install and play:

.. code-block:: bash 

    $ virtualenv working 
    $ source working/bin/activate 
    $ pip install -e git+http://github.com/mcfletch/pyzeroconf.git#egg=PyZeroConf
    $ cd working/src/pyzeroconf/samplecode
    # Note the trailing '.' character!
    $ python nameprobe.py myserver.local.
To build and view the docs on a Linux machine (from the previous):

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pip install -I sphinx
    $ cd working/src/pyzeroconf/docs
    $ make html
    $ kde-open _build/html/index.html