A Yeoman generator for scaffolding an application using angular, browserify, ionic and famous
- 2
Running Corvoda app causing error 65
#309 opened by Doginal - 0
How do I use ES6/7 features?
#322 opened by aloifolia - 3 is not working
#321 opened by marcpar - 33
Adding platform, ionic-platform-web-client
#280 opened by andaqui - 1
- 2
Prepublish doesnt install all dependencies
#306 opened by gbrennon - 7
- 2
Error when trying to generate a project.
#301 opened by sebad78 - 11
webpack task should be able to pass populated constants to webpack.config.js
#302 opened by jagged3dge - 1
How to watch other folder's files
#310 opened by ZengShaoLin - 9
how to install the dependencies?gulp not work.
#313 opened by axetroy - 1
Gulp webpack:run can't find entry point
#312 opened by mesozoic-technology - 1
How to get production version?
#311 opened by AzureVoteWise - 0
delete this...
#307 opened by mesozoic-technology - 7
wiki images
#297 opened by totojab - 0
- 2
Remove famous
#288 opened by thaiat - 0
- 0
Can't install packages like materialize-css
#304 opened by Frondor - 0
Generate templates using the indentation parameter set during the scaffolding step
#299 opened by jercoh - 7
- 0
Add license to package.json
#289 opened by thaiat - 0
Update angular ui bootstrap to use npm
#290 opened by ghaiat - 0
Add target support for taskImage
#274 opened by ghaiat - 4
Add ionic hook for iOS9 to add plain http support
#284 opened by jskrzypek - 0
Uniform timeout in protractor
#261 opened by thaiat - 1
Add a browser.shot method in protractor
#263 opened by thaiat - 0
Add swipeLeft and swipeRight to protractor
#264 opened by thaiat - 0
Add beforeAll to jshint
#272 opened by thaiat - 0
Add npm run script for better debug protractor
#262 opened by thaiat - 0
Add json reporter to karma coverage
#265 opened by thaiat - 0
Exclude external folder from karma babel
#258 opened by thaiat - 0
add https option to serve and browsersync config
#268 opened by ghaiat - 0
ionic-plugin-deploy is on npm
#278 opened by jskrzypek - 4
Deprecated Dev Dependencies
#277 opened by ackushiw - 0
Add support for cordova-config-utils
#279 opened by ghaiat - 2
gulp cordova:run ENOENT
#276 opened by johann-taberlet - 8
Can't setup a new app
#275 opened by johann-taberlet - 10
Error creating mobile-target
#267 opened by faboweb - 0
Configure cache for travis
#266 opened by thaiat - 3
Reduce dependencies
#252 opened by BraunreutherA - 4
Improve webpack support
#269 opened by andreialecu - 0
- 2
Add support for bb10 resources
#248 opened by ghaiat - 16
- 0
- 5
- 3
Update transform-loader to version 2.3
#251 opened by BraunreutherA - 9
Module does not exist while creating components for modules with snake-case
#245 opened by jagged3dge - 5