
Lambda python

Primary LanguagePython


Lambda python

This repository contains the code that implements a AWS Lambda in Python as ilustrated in the picture bellow: Lambda

It ilustrates some practices that should be considered when developing an AWS Lambda, such as:

  1. Choosing an architectural pattern
  2. Defining how to implement desirable features like log, trace, validation, exception handling, etc

It uses hexagonal architecture, as suggested by Luca Mezzalira: Hexagonal

A sample of the payload received by the AWS Lambda can be found in the testfile. It's an API Gateway payload.

The API Gateway payload must contain, in the body property, a json with some specific fields as described in the jsonschema.

The DynamoDb table expected to exist in order for the sample works can also be found in the testfile.

The librarys needed to execute can be found at the requirements.txt file.

It uses code style Black.