
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Installation/viewing instructions

To view the app build simply run bundle install to install all ruby gems and setup the database. Next, run npm install followed by webpack --watch. Finally, start your rails server and view the app locally at http://localhost:3000/#/.

Biggest issue you ran into

The biggest issue I ran into was setting up React / Redux. Babel 7 was recently released, so my webpack.config.js file as well as my package.json were sligthly different than how I normally set them up do to syntax change in Babel 7.

What your learned

I got more comfortable using rails as an API and connecting it to a React/Redux frontend.

What would you have done differently

I would have written more dry functions for some of my React components. My updateTitle and updateBody functions do the same thing and should be combined. Additionally, I would have given more time to write tests, however my React/Redux setup time took longer than anticipated.