
Mapping and Deep Learning Object Recognition with the Turtlebot

Primary LanguagePython


This project is a Mapping and Deep Learning Object Recognition Project for use with the Turtlebot. (June - 8th September 2017)


  • Produce a 2D occupancy grid map and 3D point cloud using RTAB-Map
  • Autonomously navigate an unknown environment
  • Detect and identify objects in a room
  • Calibrate camera to mask textures

Hardware Requirements:

  • Turtlebot 2

  • A USB cable (that works, ensure it does) to connect the Kobuki Base and Laptop

  • A Laptop running Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic

  • A camera:

    • Xbox Kinect v2 connected to the 12v 5 amps socket on the Turtlebot. (Please note the existing cable for this is poor and will need a permanent solution with proper parts.)

    • Zed Camera connected to the laptop

Installation (assumes knowledge of catkin workspaces):

  1. Install Turtlebot packages (replace for kinetic, some will not work) following instructions found here:


  2. Install RTABMAP-ros following instructions found here:


  3. Install the Exploration package:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/bnurbekov/Turtlebot_Navigation
cd ..
  1. Install the Google Cloud SDK following instructions found here:


  2. Enable the SDK for the Google Vision API and install the client library following instructions found here:


  3. Clone and catkin_make in a catkin workspace:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/mcgeorgiev/terrapin-ros
cd ..
  1. (OPTIONAL) Tensorflow will need to be trained and placed in ~/terrapin-ros/src/tensorflow/tf_files following instructions found here:


Camera Installation (Follow the installation instructions for each piece of software exactly!):

a) Kinect v2:

  1. https://github.com/OpenKinect/libfreenect2
  2. https://github.com/code-iai/iai_kinect2

b) Zed Camera:

  1. https://www.stereolabs.com/blog/index.php/2015/09/07/use-your-zed-camera-with-ros/ (Including the SDK instruction)

Install Python dependencies:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/terrapin-ros 
pip install –r requirements.txt

How to run the package (Run each command in a new terminal):

  1. Ensure that the catkin workspace directory is sourced for all terminals used. Usually:

source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

  1. Run the launch file specific to your camera, either:
roslaunch terrapin-ros kinect.launch
roslaunch terrapin-ros zed.launch

This will launch the turtlebot_bringup, rtabmap_ros, rtabmap visualisation, specific camera node and depthimage_to_laserscan nodes.

  1. Run the object detection programme:
roslaunch terrapin-ros stream.py kinect2
roslaunch terrapin-ros stream.py zed
  1. Run RViz:


  1. Run the frontier exploration nodes:
rosrun final_project control.py
rosrun final_project mapping.py
  • Turtlebot should start mapping! However autonomous navigation can be replaced with tele-operation. Replace step 4) with: roslaunch turtlebot-telep keyboard.launch

  • A calibration tool can be ran which will create a text file with calibration details. This will mask out the selected area. (E.g. flooring) Run: python calibration.py and point at an area and press ‘q’ or ‘p’.

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