
Arkime SPI Indexing from Kafka messages made by the Arkime Kafka Plugin

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Arkime Kafka Indexer

An Elasticsearch indexer for Arkime SPI sent through Kafka using the Arkime Kafka plugin.

This "processor" is part of an ecosystem of "processors" that we are slowly open sourcing, this being the first one and most important since it is necessary for Arkime to function correctly. For an introduction to this ecosystem and why to use Kafka with Arkime see the Arkimeet 2023 - Arkime Stream Processing with Kafka talk (slides).


This indexer is designed mainly for use with Arkime and its Kafka plugin but can also be used for indexing any Kafka messages that are formatted in the ES Bulk format.

The Kafka plugin needs to be configured with either kafkaMsgFormat=bulk or kafkaMsgFormat=bulk1 and the dbBulkSize setting should be less than 1000000 since Kafka by default doesn't allow messages larger than 1MB, if you intend to enrich the SPIs with a lot of extra information the dbBulkSize should be set accordingly or use bulk1 but this also adds some extra processing overhead to the Kafka cluster.

plugins = kafka.so
kafkaMsgFormat = bulk/bulk1
dbBulkSize = 500000

The indexer can handle both bulk and bulk1, since the ES Bulk API is optimized for bulks larger than 1MB, the SPIs get bulked together and then flushed when either a time, byte size or SPI count limit is reached, these are set using the following environment variables respectively BULKER_FLUSH_INTERVAL, BULKER_MAX_BYTES and BULKER_MAX_MESSAGES. These ENV vars should be used to tune the bulking to maximize performance, the bulk_flush_reason_total metrics can be used to deduce what values to change.

The indexer can also republish SPIs that failed to be indexed into ES back to Kafka for reprocessing or something else, this is enabled by setting a producer topic using the KAFKA_PRODUCER_TOPIC ENV var, the other KAFKA_PRODUCER_* ENV vars should be set accordingly.

Kafka with SSL/TLS

Encrypted Kafka communication using SSL/TLS requires the following 4 ENV variables to be set:

  • KAFKA_SSL_CA_LOCATION: Path to the CA cert used for signing certs
  • KAFKA_SSL_CERT_LOCATION: Path to the client certificate
  • KAFKA_SSL_KEY_LOCATION: Path to the client key
  • KAFKA_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD: Path to the client key password

Only if all 4 variables are set will SSL/TLS communication be enabled.

The Docker compose stack is set up for using SSL/TLS, but the required certificates, keys and stores need to be generated before starting it. To generate the required files run the gen-aki-compose-certs.sh in the ssl folder.

More information about using SSL with librdkafka (underlying Kafka library used) check out https://github.com/confluentinc/librdkafka/wiki/Using-SSL-with-librdkafka


Currently there are a few limitations with the current implementation of the indexer, these are:

  • Only HTTP support for communicating with ES, as well as unauthenticated only.

We are working to fix these limitations, but any help is welcome.


This processor is architected in the following way (see diagram below), the main components are:

  • Consumer: consumes messages from a Kafka topic as part of a consumer group and then sends them onwards using a buffered Go channel
  • Indexer: takes the contents of the Kafka messages that are in the Go channel and bulks them together , for ES performance reasons, and sends the bulked messages to ES using the Bulk API. The response is then checked for errors and any SPIs that failed to index are then sent into a Go channel.
  • Producer: takes the failed SPIs from the Go channel and produces them back into a Kafka topic, for further analysis and reprocessing if desired.

The number of indexers can be configured, this enables parallel sends to the elasticsearch cluster which increases the throughput.



The easiest way to install the indexer is to use the prebuilt Docker images available at ghcr.io/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer. These can be run using:

docker run -e KAFKA_CONSUMER_TOPIC=<topic> -e KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME=<group name> \
           -e ELASTIC_SERVICE=<ES URL without http:// or port> ghcr.io/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer:latest

or take a look at the Docker Compose file in this repository.

There are also binaries for linux/amd64 and darwin/amd64 on the Releases page, we don't build other OS/arch combinations since we don't have systems to test them.

It can also be installed the normal Go way:

go install github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer@v0.1.2


Configuration of the indexer is done using environment variables following the 12-factor app approach, documented at 12factor.net.

Port PORT string 8080 Port for the HTTP server
LogLevel LOG_LEVEL string debug The level to log at
KafkaConsumerBrokers KAFKA_CONSUMER_BROKERS string localhost:9092 Kafka Broker to consume from
KafkaConsumerTopic KAFKA_CONSUMER_TOPIC string Kafka topic to consume from
KafkaConsumerGroupName KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME string Name of the Kafka consumer group
KafkaConsumerIncrementalRebalance KAFKA_CONSUMER_INCREMENTAL_REBALANCE bool false If the cooperative rebalancing strategy should be used
KafkaProducerBrokers KAFKA_PRODUCER_BROKERS string localhost:9092 Kafka to produce to
KafkaProducerTopic KAFKA_PRODUCER_TOPIC string Kafka topic to produce to
KafkaSSLCALocation KAFKA_SSL_CA_LOCATION string Path to the CA cert used for signing certs
KafkaSSLCertLocation KAFKA_SSL_CERT_LOCATION string Path to the client certificate
KafkaSSLKeyLocation KAFKA_SSL_KEY_LOCATION string Path to the client key
KafkaSSLKeyPassword KAFKA_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD string Password of the client key
KafkaProducerMessageTimeout KAFKA_PRODUCER_MSG_TIMEOUT time.Duration 30s Produced message timeout
KafkaProducerMessageRetries KAFKA_PRODUCER_MSG_RETRIES int 100 Maximum of retries for a produced message
KafkaProducerQueueFullCooldown KAFKA_PRODUCER_FULL_QUEUE_COOLDOWN time.Duration 1s How long to wait after a producer full queue error before retrying
KafkaProducerLogDeliveryReports KAFKA_PRODUCER_LOG_DELIVERY_REPORTS bool true Should the delivery reports be logged
KafkaSessionTimeout KAFKA_SESSION_TIMEOUT time.Duration 6000ms Kafka session timeout length
KafkaPollTimeout KAFKA_POLL_TIMEOUT time.Duration 100ms Consumer polling timeout
KafkaFlushInterval KAFKA_FLUSH_INTERVAL time.Duration 100ms Timeout length when flushing Kafka messages at shutdown
BulkerFlushInterval BULKER_FLUSH_INTERVAL time.Duration 10s Maximum amount of time to buffer messages before sending them to ES
BulkerMaxMessages BULKER_MAX_MESSAGES int 100 Maximum number of messages to buffer before sending them to ES
BulkerMaxBytes BULKER_MAX_BYTES int 10_485_760 Maximum number of bytes to buffer before sending them to ES
ElasticService ELASTIC_SERVICE string The address of an Elasticsearch node, the client will discover the rest of nodes
ElasticServicePort ELASTIC_SERVICE_PORT string 9200 The ES HTTP port
ElasticIndexerInstances ELASTIC_INDEXER_INSTANCES int 1 The number of parallel indexers to use
ElasticClientMaxRetries ELASTIC_CLIENT_MAX_RETRIES int 10 Number of retries when communicating with ES
ElasticClientRetryStatuses ELASTIC_CLIENT_RETRY_STATUSES []int 502,503,504,429 Which HTTP status codes to retry
ElasticClientDiscoverNodes ELASTIC_CLIENT_DISCOVER_NODES bool true Should the client discover the other ES nodes
ElasticClientDiscoverInterval ELASTIC_CLIENT_DISCOVER_INTERVAL time.Duration 1h Interval between updates of the list of ES connections
ElasticClientBulkTimeout ELASTIC_CLIENT_BULK_TIMEOUT time.Duration 500ms The timeout duration for the Bulk call
ElasticClientMaxDeadPercentage ELASTIC_CLIENT_MAX_DEAD_PERCENTAGE int 20 The maximum percentage of dead ES connections
ElasticTransportDialTimeout ELASTIC_TRANSPORT_DIAL_TIMEOUT time.Duration 2s
ElasticTransportDialKeepAlive ELASTIC_TRANSPORT_DIAL_KEEPALIVE time.Duration 5s
ElasticTransportMaxIdleConns ELASTIC_TRANSPORT_MAX_IDLE_CONNS int 100
ElasticTransportMaxIdleConnsPerHost ELASTIC_TRANSPORT_MAX_IDLE_CONNS_PER_HOST int 100
ElasticTransportMaxConnsPerHost ELASTIC_TRANSPORT_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST int 100
ElasticTransportIdleConnTimeout ELASTIC_TRANSPORT_IDLE_CONN_TIMEOUT time.Duration 10s
ElasticTransportExpectContinueTimeout ELASTIC_TRANSPORT_EXPECT_CONTINUE_TIMEOUT time.Duration 1s
ConsumerChannelBufferSize CONSUMER_CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE int 10
ErrorChannelBufferSize ERROR_CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE int 10
ProducerChannelBufferSize PRODUCER_CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE int 10
MetricsNamespace METRICS_NAMESPACE string arkime
MetricsSubsystem METRICS_SUBSYSTEM string kafkaindexer
MetricsPath METRICS_PATH string /metrics
FlushedBytesBuckets METRICS_FLUSHED_BYTES_BUCKETS []float64 50_000,100_000,500_000,1_000_000,5_000_000,25_000_000,50_000_000,75_000_000
FlushedMsgsBuckets METRICS_FLUSHED_MSGS_BUCKETS []float64 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256


The following subsections define tasks that can be run using the xc tool, this tool executes the commands within the code block of each subsection, with the name of the subsection being the name of the command, eg. xc lint for running the commands contained within the code block of the "Lint" subsection.


Installs the dependencies for building, formatting, linting, etc.

# Installs gofumpt for formatting the source code with extra rules
go install mvdan.cc/gofumpt@latest
# Installs golangci-lint for linting, uses the .golangci.yaml
curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.57.1
# Installs the Go vulnerability checking tool
go install golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck@latest


Sets up pre-commit to run when committing.

Requires pre-commit to be installed before hand, see pre-commit/Installation

pre-commit run --all-files
pre-commit install


Formats the code to ensure a consistent formatting

gofumpt -l -w .


Lints the source code according to the configuration in the .golangci.yaml file

govulncheck ./...
golangci-lint run ./...


Runs the unit-tests

go test -race github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer/...


Creates a snapshot release using GoReleaser and GoReleaser-Cross but without publishing it.

docker run \
  --rm \
  -e CGO_ENABLED=1 \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v `pwd`:/go/src/github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer \
  -w /go/src/github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer \
  ghcr.io/goreleaser/goreleaser-cross:v1.22.2 \
  --clean --skip=publish --snapshot


Creates a snapshot release using GoReleaser and GoReleaser-Cross.

docker run \
  --rm \
  -e CGO_ENABLED=1 \
  -v $(HOME)/.docker/config.json:/root/.docker/config.json \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v `pwd`:/go/src/github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer \
  -w /go/src/github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer \
  ghcr.io/goreleaser/goreleaser-cross:v1.22.2 \
  --clean --snapshot


Creates a normal release using GoReleaser and GoReleaser-Cross but without publishing it.

docker run \
  --rm \
  -e CGO_ENABLED=1 \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v `pwd`:/go/src/github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer \
  -w /go/src/github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer \
  ghcr.io/goreleaser/goreleaser-cross:v1.22.2 \
  --clean --skip=publish


Creates a release using GoReleaser and GoReleaser-Cross.


docker run \
  --rm \
  -e CGO_ENABLED=1 \
  -v $HOME/.docker/config.json:/root/.docker/config.json \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v `pwd`:/go/src/github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer \
  -w /go/src/github.com/mcgillowen/arkime-kafka-indexer \
  ghcr.io/goreleaser/goreleaser-cross:v1.22.2 \
  release --clean