
PowerShell module for CyberArk Privileged Access Security Web Service REST API

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


PowerShell Module for CyberArk Privileged Access Security

Use PowerShell to manage CyberArk via the Web Services REST API.

Contains all published methods of the API up to CyberArk v10.10.

Existing psPAS Users: Module Version 3.0 introduced breaking changes; review the Changelog for full details.

Module Status

Master Branch Code Coverage PowerShell Gallery Downloads Latest Build License
appveyor coveralls psgallery downloads tests license



It all starts with a Logon

New-PASSession is used to send a logon request to the CyberArk API.

On successful authentication psPAS uses the data which was provided for the request & also returned from the API for all subsequent operations.

CyberArk Authentication

  • Use a PowerShell credential object containing a valid vault username and password.
$cred = Get-Credential

PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: safeadmin
Password for user safeadmin: **********

New-PASSession -Credential $cred -BaseURI https://cyberark.virtualreal.it

LDAP Authentication

  • Specify LDAP credentials allowed to authenticate to the vault.
$cred = Get-Credential

PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: xApprover_1
Password for user xApprover_1: **********

New-PASSession -Credential $cred -BaseURI https://cyberark.virtualreal.it -type LDAP


UserName    Source UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
--------    ------ ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
xApprover_1 LDAP   EPVUser      False     False   False    False

RADIUS Authentication (with OTP if supported)

  • Some 2FA solutions allow a One Time Passcode to be sent with the password.

    • If an OTP is provided, it is sent to the API with the password, separated by a comma: "$Password,$OTP"
$cred = Get-Credential

PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: DuoUser
Password for user DuoUser: **********

New-PASSession -Credential $cred -BaseURI https://cyberark.virtualreal.it -type RADIUS -OTP 006314


UserName Source UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
-------- ------ ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
DuoUser  LDAP   EPVUser      False     False   False    False

Shared Authentication with Client Certificate

  • If IIS is configured to require client certificates, psPAS will use any provided certificate details for the duration of the session.
$Cert = "0E199489C57E666115666D6E9990C2ACABDB6EDB"
New-PASSession -UseSharedAuthentication -BaseURI https://cyberark.virtualreal.it -CertificateThumbprint $Cert

Basic Operations


  • Get information relating to Safes you have access to:
Find-PASSafe -search 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ

SafeUrlId          SafeName           Description                  Location
---------          --------           -----------                  --------
3_TestSafe_028_XYJ 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ TestSafe: 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ \

Get-PASSafe -SafeName 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ

SafeName           ManagingCPM     NumberOfDaysRetention NumberOfVersionsRetention Description
--------           -----------     --------------------- ------------------------- -----------
3_TestSafe_028_XYJ PasswordManager                       3                         TestSafe: 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
Safe Members
  • Find Safe Members:
Get-PASSafeMember -SafeName 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ -MemberName ACC-G-3_TestSafe_028_XYJ-Usr

UserName                     SafeName           Permissions
--------                     --------           -----------
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_028_XYJ-Usr 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ {UseAccounts, RetrieveAccounts, ListAccounts, ViewAuditLog…}
  • Query for Vault Users:
Get-PASUser -Search xap

ID  UserName    Source UserType ComponentUser Location
--  --------    ------ -------- ------------- --------
657 xApprover_A LDAP   EPVUser  False         \VR\VirtualReal\Users
658 xApprover_1 LDAP   EPVUser  False         \VR\VirtualReal\Users
659 xApprover_B LDAP   EPVUser  False         \VR\VirtualReal\Users
660 xApprover_2 LDAP   EPVUser  False         \VR\VirtualReal\Users
661 xApprover_C LDAP   EPVUser  False         \VR\VirtualReal\Users
662 xApprover_3 LDAP   EPVUser  False         \VR\VirtualReal\Users
  • Return Account data:
Get-PASAccount -filter "SafeName eq 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ" -search sbwudlov

AccountID                 : 286_4
Safe                      : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
address                   : SOMEDOMAIN.COM
userName                  : sbwudlov
name                      : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-sbwudlov
platformId                : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType                : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain=SOMEDOMAIN}
secretManagement          : @{automaticManagementEnabled=True; lastModifiedTime=1559864222}
createdTime               : 06/06/2019 23:37:02
Classic API
  • There is a limitation of only returning details of the first found account when using the Classic API.
    • The keywords & safe parameters of Get-PASAccount force use of the Classic API:
Get-PASAccount -Safe 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
WARNING: 2 matching accounts found. Only the first result will be returned

AccountID          : 286_3
Safe               : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
Folder             : Root
Name               : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-kmgrsebf
UserName           : kmgrsebf
PlatformID         : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
DeviceType         : Operating System
Address            : SOMEDOMAIN.COM
InternalProperties : @{CreationMethod=PVWA}
  • More results can be returned by specifying alternative parameters and avoiding the Classic API:
PS>Get-PASAccount -filter "SafeName eq 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ"

AccountID                 : 286_3
Safe                      : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
address                   : SOMEDOMAIN.COM
userName                  : kmgrsebf
name                      : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-kmgrsebf
platformId                : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType                : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain=SOMEDOMAIN}
secretManagement          : @{automaticManagementEnabled=True; lastModifiedTime=1559864221}
createdTime               : 06/06/2019 23:37:01

AccountID                 : 286_4
Safe                      : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
address                   : SOMEDOMAIN.COM
userName                  : sbwudlov
name                      : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-sbwudlov
platformId                : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType                : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain=SOMEDOMAIN}
secretManagement          : @{automaticManagementEnabled=True; lastModifiedTime=1559864222}
createdTime               : 06/06/2019 23:37:02


Add An Account
  • Add an account to manage:
#Convert Password to SecureString
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Secret1337$" -AsPlainText -Force

#Additional account details
$platformAccountProperties = @{
  "Notes"="Demo Account. Owner:psPete"

#Add Account
Add-PASAccount -secretType Password -secret $Password -SafeName "YourSafe" -PlatformID "YourPlatform" `
-Address "domain" -Username SomeUsername -platformAccountProperties $platformAccountProperties
Create Safes
  • Simple safe creation:
Add-PASSafe -SafeName NewSafe -Description "New Safe" -ManagingCPM PasswordManager -NumberOfVersionsRetention 10

SafeName ManagingCPM     NumberOfDaysRetention NumberOfVersionsRetention Description
-------- -----------     --------------------- ------------------------- -----------
NewSafe  PasswordManager                       10                        New Safe
Add Safe Members
  • Consistent safe membership:
Add-PASSafeMember -SafeName NewSafe -MemberName NewMember -UseAccounts $false -ListAccounts $true `
-RetrieveAccounts $false -ViewAuditLog $true -ViewSafeMembers $true

MemberName SearchIn SafeName Permissions
---------- -------- -------- -----------
NewMember  vault    NewSafe  {ListAccounts, ViewAuditLog, ViewSafeMembers}
Update Accounts
  • Update values for individual account properties:
Set-PASAccount -AccountID 286_4 -op replace -path /address -value NEWDOMAIN.COM

AccountID                 : 286_4
Safe                      : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
address                   : NEWDOMAIN.COM
userName                  : sbwudlov
name                      : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-sbwudlov
platformId                : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType                : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain=SOMEDOMAIN}
secretManagement          : @{automaticManagementEnabled=True; lastModifiedTime=1559864222}
createdTime               : 06/06/2019 23:37:02

Set-PASAccount -AccountID 286_4 -op replace -path /platformAccountProperties/LogonDomain -value NEWDOMAIN

AccountID                 : 286_4
Safe                      : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
address                   : NEWDOMAIN.COM
userName                  : sbwudlov
name                      : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-sbwudlov
platformId                : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType                : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain=NEWDOMAIN}
secretManagement          : @{automaticManagementEnabled=True; lastModifiedTime=1559864222}
createdTime               : 06/06/2019 23:37:02
Import a Connection Component
  • Import Custom Connection Components:
Import-PASConnectionComponent -ImportFile C:\Temp\ConnectionComponent.zip
  • Import & Export of CPM Platforms:
#Import a Platform
Import-PASPlatform -ImportFile C:\Temp\Platform.zip

#Export a Platform
Export-PASPlatform -PlatformID "Some-SSH-Platform" -Path C:\Temp

Pipeline Operations

  • Work with the PowerShell pipeline:
#Find directory groups assigned to safes
Get-PASSafe -query JXW | Get-PASSafeMember |
Where-Object{ Get-PASGroup -search $_.UserName -filter 'groupType eq Directory' }

UserName                     SafeName           Permissions
--------                     --------           -----------
ACC-G-1_TestSafe_049_JXW-Usr 1_TestSafe_049_JXW {ListContent, RestrictedRetrieve, Retrieve, ViewAudit…}
ACC-G-1_TestSafe_049_JXW-Adm 1_TestSafe_049_JXW {ListContent, RestrictedRetrieve, Retrieve, Unlock…}
ACC-G-2_TestSafe_049_JXW-Usr 2_TestSafe_049_JXW {ListContent, RestrictedRetrieve, Retrieve, ViewAudit…}
ACC-G-2_TestSafe_049_JXW-Adm 2_TestSafe_049_JXW {ListContent, RestrictedRetrieve, Retrieve, Unlock…}
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_049_JXW-Usr 3_TestSafe_049_JXW {ListContent, RestrictedRetrieve, Retrieve, ViewAudit…}
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_049_JXW-Adm 3_TestSafe_049_JXW {ListContent, RestrictedRetrieve, Retrieve, Unlock…}
  • Multiple psPAS commands can be used together, along with standard PowerShell CmdLets:
#Add all "admin" users in the root location to the PVWAMonitor group
Get-PASUser -UserType EPVUser -Search Admin | Where-Object{ $_.location -eq "\" } |
Add-PASGroupMember -GroupName PVWAMonitor

#Find an account, then find the members of the account's safe.
Get-PASAccount -id 330_5 | Get-PASSafe | Get-PASSafeMember

UserName             SafeName    Permissions
--------             --------    -----------
Master               ApproveTest {Add, AddRenameFolder, BackupSafe, Delete...}
Batch                ApproveTest {Add, AddRenameFolder, BackupSafe, Delete...}
Backup Users         ApproveTest BackupSafe
Auditors             ApproveTest {ListContent, ViewAudit, ViewMembers}
Operators            ApproveTest {AddRenameFolder, DeleteFolder, ManageSafe, MoveFilesAndFolders...}
DR Users             ApproveTest BackupSafe
Notification Engines ApproveTest {ListContent, ViewAudit, ViewMembers}
PVWAGWAccounts       ApproveTest {ListContent, ViewAudit, ViewMembers}
PasswordManager      ApproveTest {Add, AddRenameFolder, Delete, DeleteFolder...}
SafeAdmin            ApproveTest {Add, AddRenameFolder, BackupSafe, Delete...}
SafeAdmin1           ApproveTest {Add, AddRenameFolder, BackupSafe, Delete...}
zApprover_1          ApproveTest {ListContent, ViewAudit, ViewMembers}
xReq                 ApproveTest {ListContent, RestrictedRetrieve, Retrieve, ViewAudit...}

Advanced Examples

Bulk Operations

The standard features of PowerShell which allow creation of and iterations through collections of objects, can be used to perform bulk operations:

Example 1 - On-board Multiple Accounts
$Accounts = Import-Csv -Path C:\Temp\Accounts.csv

New-PASSession -Credential $creds -BaseURI https://your.pvwa.url

foreach($Account in $Accounts){

    $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Account.Password -AsPlainText -Force

    Add-PASAccount -secretType Password `
    -secret $Password `
    -platformAccountProperties @{"LOGONDOMAIN"=$Account.LogonDomain} `
    -SafeName $Account.SafeName `
    -PlatformID $Account.PlatformID `
    -Address $Account.Address `
    -Username $Account.Username


Example 2 - Delete Multiple Safes
#Specify Vault Logon Credentials
$LogonCredential = Get-Credential

New-PASSession -Credential $LogonCredential -BaseURI https://your.pvwa.url

$Safes = Get-PASSafe -query TestSafe

#Delete Safes
foreach ($Safe in $Safes){

  Remove-PASSafe -SafeName $Safe -WhatIf


Example 3 - Move a List of Users to a New Location
#Vault Logon Credentials
$LogonCredential = Get-Credential

New-PASSession -Credential $LogonCredential -BaseURI https://your.pvwa.url

#get list of users
$users = Get-Content .\userlist.txt

#move users
$users | foreach{

  Set-PASUser -UserName $_ -Location "\New\Location\Path" -WhatIf



Safe Permissions

  • Define Safe Roles and assign to safe members:
$Role1 = [PSCustomObject]@{
  UseAccounts                            = $true
  ListAccounts                           = $true
  ViewAuditLog                           = $false
  ViewSafeMembers                        = $false

$Role2 = [PSCustomObject]@{
  UseAccounts                            = $false
  ListAccounts                           = $true
  RetrieveAccounts                       = $false
  AddAccounts                            = $true
  UpdateAccountContent                   = $true
  UpdateAccountProperties                = $true
  InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations = $true
  SpecifyNextAccountContent              = $false
  RenameAccounts                         = $true
  DeleteAccounts                         = $true
  UnlockAccounts                         = $true
  ManageSafe                             = $true
  ManageSafeMembers                      = $true
  BackupSafe                             = $false
  ViewAuditLog                           = $true
  ViewSafeMembers                        = $true
  RequestsAuthorizationLevel             = $false
  AccessWithoutConfirmation              = $true
  CreateFolders                          = $true
  DeleteFolders                          = $true
  MoveAccountsAndFolders                 = $true

$Role1 | Add-PASSafeMember -SafeName NewSafe -MemberName User23 -SearchIn Vault

MemberName SearchIn SafeName Permissions
---------- -------- -------- -----------
User23     Vault    NewSafe  {UseAccounts, RetrieveAccounts, ListAccounts}

$Role2 | Add-PASSafeMember -SafeName NewSafe -MemberName SafeAdmin1 -SearchIn Vault

MemberName SearchIn SafeName Permissions
---------- -------- -------- -----------
SafeAdmin1 Vault    NewSafe  {ListAccounts, AddAccounts, UpdateAccountContent, UpdateAccountProperties…}

PSM Sessions

Terminate all Active PSM Sessions on a PSM Server
#Find Active Sessions for a PSM Server IP
#Terminate the Sessions
Get-PASPSMSession | Where-Object{
  ($_.RawProperties.ProviderID -eq $(Get-PASComponentDetail -ComponentID SessionManagement |
    Where-Object{$_.ComponentIP -eq ""} |
    Select -ExpandProperty ComponentUserName))
  -and ($_.IsLive) -and ($_.CanTerminate)} | Stop-PASPSMSession

Updating Multiple Properties of an Account

  • Multiple updates can be performed in a single request:
[array]$operations += @{"op"="remove";"path"="/platformAccountProperties/LogonDomain"}
[array]$operations += @{"op"="replace";"path"="/name";"value"="SomeNewName"}
[array]$operations += @{"op"="replace";"path"="/address";"value"="domain.co.uk"}

Set-PASAccount -AccountID 286_4 -operations $operations

AccountID        : 286_4
Safe             : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
address          : domain.co.uk
userName         : sbwudlov
name             : SomeNewName
platformId       : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType       : password
secretManagement : @{automaticManagementEnabled=True; lastModifiedTime=1559864222}
createdTime      : 06/06/2019 23:37:02

Using Methods

Methods present on objects returned from psPAS functions can be leveraged to get the data you need with ease.

  • The psPAS.CyberArk.Vault.Safe object returned by Get-PASSafe has a ScriptMethod (SafeMembers()), which will run a query for the members of the safe:
#List all safes where AppUser is not a member
Get-PASSafe | Where-Object{ ($_.safemembers() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName) -notcontains "AppUser"}
  • Retrieved credentials can be immediately converted into Secure Strings:
(Get-PASAccount -id 330_5 | Get-PASAccountPassword).ToSecureString()

API Sessions

  • If actions are required to be performed under the context of different user accounts, it is possible to work with different authenticated sessions:
#Start first session
$VaultAdmin = Get-Credential

PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: VaultAdmin
Password for user VaultAdmin: **********

New-PASSession -Credential $VaultAdmin -BaseURI https://cyberark.virtualreal.it


UserName   Source   UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
--------   ------   ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
VaultAdmin Internal EPVUser      False     False   False    False

#Save first session data
$FirstSession = Get-PASSession

#Start second session
$SafeAdmin = Get-Credential

PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: SafeAdmin
Password for user SafeAdmin: **********

New-PASSession -Credential $SafeAdmin -BaseURI https://cyberark.virtualreal.it


UserName  Source   UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
--------  ------   ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
SafeAdmin Internal EPVUser      False     False   False    False

#Save second session data
$SecondSession = Get-PASSession

#Switch back to first session
Use-PASSession -Session $FirstSession


UserName   Source   UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
--------   ------   ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
VaultAdmin Internal EPVUser      False     False   False    False

#End first session

#Switch to second session
Use-PASSession -Session $SecondSession


UserName  Source   UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
--------  ------   ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
SafeAdmin Internal EPVUser      False     False   False    False

#End second session

psPAS Functions

Your version of CyberArk determines which functions of psPAS will be supported.

Check the below table to determine what is available for you to use.

The CyberArk Version listed is the minimum required to use the function.

The module will attempt to confirm that your version of CyberArk meets the minimum

version requirement (if you are using version 9.7+, and the function being invoked

requires version 9.8+).

Check the output of Get-Help for the psPAS functions for further details of available parameters and version requirements.

Function Name CyberArk Version Description
New-PASSession 9.0 Authenticates a user to CyberArk Vault
Close-PASSession 9.0 Logoff from CyberArk Vault.
Get-PASSession --- Get psPAS Session Data.
Use-PASSession --- Set psPAS Session Data.
Add-PASPublicSSHKey 9.6 Adds an authorised public SSH key for a user.
Get-PASPublicSSHKey 9.6 Retrieves a user's SSH Keys.
Remove-PASPublicSSHKey 9.6 Deletes a Public SSH Key from a user
Add-PASAccountACL 9.0 Adds a new privileged command rule to an account.
Get-PASAccountACL 9.0 Lists privileged commands rule for an account
Remove-PASAccountACL 9.0 Deletes privileged commands rule from an account
Add-PASAccountGroupMember 9.95 Adds an account as a member of an account group.
Get-PASAccountGroup 9.10 Returns account groups in a Safe.
Get-PASAccountGroupMember 9.10 Returns members of an account group.
New-PASAccountGroup 9.95 Adds a new account group
Remove-PASAccountGroupMember 9.10 Deletes a member of an account group
Add-PASAccount 9.0 Adds a new account.
Add-PASPendingAccount 9.7 Adds discovered account or SSH key as a pending account.
Get-PASAccount 9.3 Returns information about accounts.
Get-PASAccountActivity 9.7 Returns activities for an account.
Get-PASAccountPassword 9.7 Returns password for an account.
Remove-PASAccount 9.3 Deletes an account
Set-PASAccount 9.5 Updates details of an account.
Invoke-PASCPMOperation 9.7 Invoke CPM verify, change & reconcile tasks.
Unlock-PASAccount 9.10 Checks in an exclusive-use account.
Add-PASApplication 9.1 Adds a new application
Add-PASApplicationAuthenticationMethod 9.1 Add authentication method to an application
Get-PASApplication 9.1 Returns details of applications
Get-PASApplicationAuthenticationMethod 9.1 Returns application authentication methods
Remove-PASApplication 9.1 Deletes an application
Remove-PASApplicationAuthenticationMethod 9.1 Delete auth method from an application
Import-PASConnectionComponent 10.3 Imports a Connection Component
Get-PASPSMConnectionParameter 9.10 Get required parameters to connect through PSM
Get-PASPSMRecording 9.10 Get details of PSM Recording
Get-PASPSMSession 9.10 Get details of PSM Sessions
Resume-PASPSMSession 10.2 Resumes a Suspended PSM Session.
Stop-PASPSMSession 10.1 Terminates a PSM Session.
Suspend-PASPSMSession 10.2 Suspends a PSM Session.
Get-PASOnboardingRule 9.7 Gets automatic on-boarding rules
New-PASOnboardingRule 9.7 Adds a new on-boarding rule
Remove-PASOnboardingRule 9.7 Deletes an automatic on-boarding rule
Get-PASPlatform 9.10 Retrieves details of a specified platform.
Import-PASPlatform 10.2 Import a new platform
Export-PASPlatform 10.4 Export a platform
Add-PASPolicyACL 9.0 Adds a new privileged command rule
Get-PASPolicyACL 9.0 Lists OPM Rules for a policy
Remove-PASPolicyACL 9.0 Delete privileged commands from policy
Approve-PASRequest 9.10 Confirm a single request
Deny-PASRequest 9.10 Reject a single request
Get-PASRequest 9.10 List requests
Get-PASRequestDetail 9.10 Get request details
New-PASRequest 9.10 Creates an access request for an account
Remove-PASRequest 9.10 Deletes a request
Add-PASSafeMember 9.3 Adds a Safe Member to a safe
Get-PASSafeMember 9.7 Lists the members of a Safe
Remove-PASSafeMember 9.3 Removes a member from a safe
Set-PASSafeMember 9.3 Updates a Safe Member's Permissions
Add-PASSafe 9.2 Adds a new safe
Get-PASSafe 9.7 Returns safe details
Remove-PASSafe 9.3 Deletes a safe
Set-PASSafe 9.3 Updates a safe
Get-PASSafeShareLogo 9.7 Returns details of SafeShare Logo
Get-PASServer 9.7 Returns details of the Web Service Server
Get-PASServerWebService 9.7 Returns details of the Web Service
Get-PASComponentDetail 10.1 Returns details about component instances.
Get-PASComponentSummary 10.1 Returns consolidated information about components.
Add-PASGroupMember 9.7 Adds a user as a group member
Get-PASLoggedOnUser 9.7 Returns details of the logged on user
Get-PASUserLoginInfo 10.4 Returns login details of the current user
Get-PASUser 9.7 Returns details of a user
New-PASUser 9.7 Creates a new user
Remove-PASUser 9.7 Deletes a user
Set-PASUser 9.7 Updates a user
Unblock-PASUser 9.7 Activates a suspended user
Get-PASDirectory 10.4 Get configured LDAP directories
Add-PASDirectory 10.4 Add a new LDAP directory
Add-PASDirectoryMapping 10.4 Add a new LDAP directory mapping
Add-PASPTARule 10.4 Add a new Risky Commandrule to PTA
Get-PASPTAEvent 10.3 Get security eventsfrom PTA
Get-PASPTARemediation 10.4 Get automatic response config from PTA
Get-PASPTARule 10.4 List Risky Command rules from PTA
Set-PASPTARemediation 10.4 Update automaticresponse config in PTA
Set-PASPTARule 10.4 Update a Risky Commandrule in PTA
Get-PASGroup 10.5 Return group information
Remove-PASGroupMember 10.5 Remove group members
Set-PASOnboardingRule 10.5 Update Onboarding Rules
Add-PASDiscoveredAccount 10.5 Add discovered accounts to the Accounts Feed
Connect-PASPSMSession 10.5 Get required parameters to connect to a PSM Session
Get-PASPSMSessionActivity 10.6 Get activity details from an active PSM Session.
Get-PASPSMSessionProperty 10.6 Get property details from an active PSM Session.
Get-PASPSMRecordingActivity 10.6 Get activity details from a PSM Recording.
Get-PASPSMRecordingProperty 10.6 Get property details from a PSM Recording.
Export-PASPSMRecording 10.6 Save PSM Session Recording to a file.
Request-PASAdHocAccess 10.6 Request temporary access to a server.
Get-PASDirectoryMapping 10.7 Get details of configureddirectory mappings.
Set-PASDirectoryMapping 10.7 Update a configureddirectory mapping.
Remove-PASDirectory 10.7 Delete a directory configuration.
Find-PASSafe 10.1 List or Search Safes by name.
Set-PASDirectoryMappingOrder 10.10 Reorder Directory Mappings
Set-PASUserPassword 10.10 Reset a User's Password



  • Requires Powershell v3 (minimum)
  • CyberArk PAS REST API/Web Service
  • A user with which to authenticate, with appropriate Vault/Safe permissions.

Install Options

This repository contains a folder named psPAS.

The folder needs to be copied to one of your PowerShell Module Directories.

Use one of the following methods:

Option 1: Install from PowerShell Gallery

PowerShell 5.0 or above required.

To download the module from the PowerShell Gallery,
from a PowerShell prompt, run:

Install-Module -Name psPAS -Scope CurrentUser

Option 2: Manual Install

Find your PowerShell Module Paths with the following command:


Download the master branch

Extract the archive

Copy the psPAS folder to your "Powershell Modules" directory of choice.


Validate Module Exists on your local machine:

Get-Module -ListAvailable psPAS

Import the module:

Import-Module psPAS

List Module Commands:

Get-Command -Module psPAS

Get detailed information on specific commands:

Get-Help Add-PASUser -Full


All notable changes to this project will be documented in the Changelog



This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Any and all contributions to this project are appreciated.

See the CONTRIBUTING.md for a few more details.


Hat Tips:

Assaf Miron (AssafMiron) For the JSON formatting assistance.

Warren Frame (RamblingCookieMonster) for the borrowed Add-ObjectDetail.ps1 &
New-DynamicParam.ps1 helper functions.

Joe Garcia (infamousjoeg) for the unofficial API documentation.
