This repository stores the results of experiments whose objective is to measure changes in premixed flame structure and burning behavior under different fuel/oxidizer flow rates.
The burner in question was manufactured by AGF Burner in Oct. 2023. It is nominally 12 in. diameter (OD) and has the capability to run as either:
- Pure fuel (diffusion flame)
- Fuel/Air (pre-mixed flame)
- Fuel/Oxygen (surface mix flame)
Key Measurements of interest (at given input flow rates, fuel and oxidizer) include:
- HRR, Heat of Combustion, and global species yields (CO, CO2, Soot)
- Flame Structure (e.g., visual height, width)
- Radiative Fraction, Xr
- Centerline Temperature (and major species*)
Experimental measurements are provided in the DATA folder. Each subfolder in /Data/ corresponds to a different experiment.
The photos and miscellaneous figures are in the FIGURES folder.
The plots that are generated by Matlab scripts in the SCRIPTS folder are stored in the SCRIPT_FIGURES folder.
The LaTeX test report is in DOCUMENTS.