
This repository stores the results of experiments whose objective is to measure changes in premixed flame structure and burning behavior under different fuel/oxidizer flow rates

Primary LanguagePython


This repository stores the results of experiments whose objective is to measure changes in premixed flame structure and burning behavior under different fuel/oxidizer flow rates.

Burner Description

The burner in question was manufactured by AGF Burner in Oct. 2023. It is nominally 12 in. diameter (OD) and has the capability to run as either:

  • Pure fuel (diffusion flame)
  • Fuel/Air (pre-mixed flame)
  • Fuel/Oxygen (surface mix flame)

Measurement Data

Key Measurements of interest (at given input flow rates, fuel and oxidizer) include:

  • HRR, Heat of Combustion, and global species yields (CO, CO2, Soot)
  • Flame Structure (e.g., visual height, width)
  • Radiative Fraction, Xr
  • Centerline Temperature (and major species*)

Repo Structure

Experimental measurements are provided in the DATA folder. Each subfolder in /Data/ corresponds to a different experiment.

The photos and miscellaneous figures are in the FIGURES folder.

The plots that are generated by Matlab scripts in the SCRIPTS folder are stored in the SCRIPT_FIGURES folder.

The LaTeX test report is in DOCUMENTS.