
Fork and fixes for dbench

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

dbench is a tool for measuring filesystem and network performance.

The rest of this README came from a very early version of dbench,
which I haven't updated. Ill get around to that some day ...

   Andrew Tridgell
   July 2008


Emulating Netbench

Netbench is a terrible benchmark, but it's an "industry standard" and
it's what is used in the press to rate windows fileservers like Samba
and WindowsNT.

The big problem with netbench for the open source community is that
very few people who work on open source software have the facilities
to run it properly. You need a lab with between 60 and 150 windows PC,
all on switched fast ethernet and a really grunty server (say a quad
xeon with 1GB ram and hardware raid). Then you need some way to nurse
all those machines along so they will run a very fussy benchmark suite
without crashing. Not easy and very expensive. Only one person in the
open source community that I know of has access to such a lab (Jeremy
Allison at SGI).

In order for the development methodologies of the open source
community to work we need to be able to run this benchmark in an
environment that a bunch of us have access to. We need the source to
the benchmark so we can see what it does. We need to be able to split
it into pieces to look for individual bottlenecks. In short, we need
to open up netbench to the masses.

To do this I have written three tools, dbench, tbench and
smbtorture. All three read a load description file called client.txt
that was derived from a network sniffer dump of a real netbench
run. client.txt is about 4MB and describes the 90 thousand operations
that a netbench client does in a typical netbench run. They parse
client.txt and use it to produce the same load without having to buy a
huge lab. They can simulate any number of simultaneous clients.

client.txt must either be in the working directory, or specified on
the command line with the -c option.


dbench produces only the filesystem load. It does all the same IO
calls that the smbd server in Samba would produce when confronted with
a netbench run. It does no networking calls. 

You can get dbench from ftp://samba.org/pub/tridge/dbench/
You run it as "dbench N" where N is the number of clients to
simulate. It gives out three numbers like this (this is from a 144
client run on a quad xeon box):

	Throughput 40.6701 MB/sec (NB=50.8376 MB/sec  406.701 MBit/sec)

the first is the true throughput as seen by dbench. The second and
third numbers are "netbench scaled" numbers that give the throughput
that would be seen by Win9X boxes after taking into account the client
file cacheing performed by oplocks. They are given in both MB/sec and
MBit/sec as different netbench reports use different scales.


tbench produces only the TCP and process load. It does the same socket
calls that smbd would do under a netbench load. It does no filesystem
calls. The idea behind tbench is to eliminate smbd from the netbench
test, as though the smbd code could be made infinately fast. The
throughput results of tbench tell us how fast a netbench run could go
if we eliminated all filesystem IO and SMB packet processing.  tbench
is built as part of the dbench package.

To run tbench first run tbench_srv on the server. Then run "tbench N SERVER"
on the client. N is the number of clients to simulate and SERVER is
the hostname of the server. The results are given in the same format
as dbench.


smbtorture is the stress tester from the Samba suite. I've recently
added a stress test that allows you to simulate the full netbench
benchmark, including all network traffic and filesystem IO.

To run smbtorture you first need to install Samba version 2.0.X. The
binary distrubtions at ftp://ftp.samba.org/pub/samba/bin-pkgs/redhat/
would do fine if you don't want to compile it yourself. Then setup a
netbench share on the fastest disk you have, making sure you have at
least 25MB free per simulated client. The simplest smb.conf would look
something like this:

	security = share

	path = /data/netbench
	read only = no
	guest ok = yes

Then you need smbtorture. You can either grab a precompiled i386
Redhat5.2 binary from ftp://samba.org/pub/tridge/dbench/smbtorture.gz
or you can follow the instructions at http://samba.org/cvs.html to
download the SAMBA_2_0 branch of the Samba cvs tree and use 
"make smbtorture" to build it.

Finally, you'll need client.txt from
ftp://samba.org/pub/tridge/dbench/dbench.tgz in the same directory
that you run smbtorture from.

To run it you do this:

  smbtorture //localhost/netbench -U% -N 32 NBW95

that will run a 32 client load. You can, of course, also run
smbtorture against a dfferent SMB server (such as a NT server) to give
comparitive results for any client load that the server can handle.

Even better is to run smbtorture on one machine and smbd on another,
connected by a very fast network (such as gigabit ethernet). That will
stop the smbtorture code itself from loading the server and will also
test the network driver instead of the loopback driver.


To give you an idea of what to expect here are some results on a quad
xeon machine running Linux 2.2.9 with 1GB of memory (it has 4GB but
Linux only uses 1GB by default). The machine also has a 45GB hardware
raid system and a Alteon AceNIC gigabit network card.

The results below are in netbench MB/sec (the NB= number in the
result). Multiply by 8 to get the MBit/sec numbers that Mindcraft used
in their graphs. The first column is the number of simulated clients,
the second is the result.

With dbench I get:

16  118
32  103
48  81
64  74
80  67
96  57
112 57
128 54

With tbench on loopback I get:

16  31
32  30
48  29
64  29
80  28

With tbench running across the gigabit network (using a dual
processor Origin200 as the client) I get:

16  29
32  29
48  29
64  29

With smbtorture running over loopback I get:

16  18
32  18
48  18
64  17
80  16

With smbtorture running across the gigabit network (using a dual
processor Origin200 as the client) I get:

16  16
32  20
48  21
64  20
80  19

With smbtorture running across the gigabit network but with smbd
modified so that write_file() and read_file() are null operations
(which eliminates the file IO) I get:

16  17
32  22
48  24
64  24
80  24

The above results show that, at least for this hardware configuration,
the problem isn't the filesystem code or the raid drivers. More tests
will be needed to find out exactly what the problem is but it looks
like a TCP scaling problem.

comparison with NT

Hopefully Jeremy will be able to run smbtorture against NT on the same
hardwre sometime in the next week so we have direct numbers for
comparison, but from looking at the mindcraft numbers under netbench
we would expect NT to get about the following:

16  8
32  14
48  21
64  27
80  31

so we do well by comparison with small client loads but fall behind
quite a lot with large loads. Note that the numbers in the mindcraft
report for Linux/Samba are quite a long way behind what I give above
because mindcraft did a hopeless job of tuning Linux/Samba.

comparison with netbench

An initial comparison with real netbench results shows that smbtorture
does produce very similar throughput numbers. They aren't exactly the
same but they are similar enough for us to target our tuning efforts
and expect to see improvements reflected in real netbench runs. When
we find something that looks promising we can get Jeremy to run a real
netbench test.

a quick hack

the tbench results really pointed at the problem being the Linux TCP
stack. I made a quick (and very unsafe!) hack to Samba and the Linux
kernel to see if I could remove the lock_kernel() in sys_sendto() and
sys_recvfrom() for smbd processes by passing a MSG_NOLOCK flag in
send() and recv(). That gave an enormous improvement in the loopback
tbench results:

16  31->51
32  30->49
48  29->47
64  29->46
80  28->44

and in the loopback smbtorture results I also saw a big improvement:

16  18->26
32  18->27
48  18->26
64  17->25
80  16->24

that's a 50% improvement. I suspect the numbers will be higher with a
real netbench run as it won't have the overhead of running 80
smbtorture clients on the same box as the server.

realistic load?

One question some people may ask is whether the above represents a
realistic load on a fileserver. It doesn't. Nearly 90% of the
read/write IO operations in netbench are writes whereas in a "normal"
office load reads dominate. Also, the load is *much* higher than a
normal office PC would put on a server. There aren't many office PCs
that write over a hundred megabytes of data to a server in a few
minutes, unless maybe they are copying a CD.

That doesn't mean the benchmark is useless, it just means you
shouldn't use this for purchasing decisions unless you really
understand the results and how they relate to your environment.


smbtorture and dbench are released under the terms of the GNU Public
License version 3 or later.

Andrew Tridgell