- 0
Not appending file after upload
#33 opened by ValeGen - 7
Chrome/Edge version 129 breaks the drag & drop
#30 opened by debugHere - 2
Doesn't Work On Frontend
#17 opened by zachkinsey - 2
Doesn't work in Frontend Admin ACF
#29 opened by Trarco - 0
- 0
- 0
Image uploaded two times
#23 opened by massimoghm - 2
JS Hook for Dropzone Args? Passed Post ID?
#20 opened by HowdyMcGee - 2
- 0
When dropping a file too large in acf_form, the error message is showed twice
#18 opened by valentincx - 0
- 1
Doesn't work with "basic" uploader type
#9 opened by admSI - 1
Image Preview
#6 opened by NSDesign - 1
two "drop files here" message
#10 opened by baketa - 1
First image in Gallery as a Featured Image.
#16 opened by hippopotam - 1
Compatibility with Image Aspect Ratio crop
#12 opened by maximebeguin - 1
- 2
Use acf-dropzone with wordplate/extended-acf
#5 opened by AlexVWeb - 1
How can I disable the media library?
#3 opened by bluestarstudios - 2
Doesn't work with Repeater fields
#1 opened by s7media