
WordPress plugin allowing to collapse / expand ACF repeater fields.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Notice: This Plugin is Abandonware
ACF Pro now has its own collapsing method.

ACF Repeater Collapser

WordPress plugin allowing to collapse / expand ACF repeater fields. Proofed to work with ACF Pro up to 5.3.1


  • Expand / Collapse an ACF repeater field
  • Remembers expanded fields (your Browser need support for localStorage in JavaScript)
  • Shows a customizable row title in collapsed state (add classname collapse-row-title)
  • Can be used with any repeaters layout since ACF 5.3. (Table layout is not supported in ACF < 5.3)


Create a repeater field with either block layout or row layout. To use a field as custom row title in collapsed state add the classname collapse-row-title.

Add Classname

The Result:

The Result