Deployment Guide

  1. Install docker according to the instructions in the following link:
  1. Install docker-compose according to the instructions in the following link
  1. Edit docker-compose.yml. Edit enviroment section(lines 11-15).
  • Set config=deploy
  • Fill DB_HOST, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DATABASE with database credentials.
    • MYSQL_HOST - address of the database to connect to
    • MYSQL_DATABASE - name of the database
    • MYSQL_USER- user which is used for login
    • MYSQL_PASSWORD - user password
  1. Execute this command in shell:
sudo docker-compose up

Logs browsing

Logs are located in directory logs. Each service produce different logs.

Example usage: To display current web server logs run:

tail -f logs/gunicorn/errorlog.log