
Exploring error driven prompting techniques on HumanEval and PythonSaga Datasets

How to Generate Code

Code can be generated for the problems in the dataset being used by navigating to human-eval/generation and running the human_eval_generation.py file with the desired paths to the problems/LLM outputs. This will require an OpenAI API key in a .env folder.

How to Evaluate Code

Reference the instructions in the README in the human-eval folder and use the desired paths to the LLM code outputs. The evaluation outputs will be saved in the Docker container that it is run in.

How to Check Code Generations

In the data folder, the outputs for the 4 prompting methods (attempt, mistake, use_attempt, and use_attempt) can be found. These are for the HumanEval dataset. The outputs for the PythonSaga datasets can be found in the python_saga folder