Chinese Pinyin Audio Flashcards

This project focuses on aiding learners of Mandarin Chinese in mastering pronunciation through the use of flashcards. Mandarin Chinese, unlike many languages, is tonal. This means that the meaning of a word can change based on its tone. There are four primary tones in Mandarin, and each has a distinct pitch contour. Mispronouncing the tone of a word can lead to misunderstandings, making it essential for learners to grasp these tonal nuances.

Pinyin: A Brief Overview

Pinyin is the Romanization of the Chinese characters based on their pronunciation. In Mandarin Chinese, the pronunciation of a character is not always obvious from its spelling, which is why Pinyin is a crucial tool for learners. Pinyin translates the sounds of Mandarin into the Latin alphabet, providing an accessible way for non-native speakers to learn and pronounce Chinese words.

Project Description

Using web scraping techniques and leveraging URL pagination, this project sourced audio files for every possible pinyin-tone combination from this comprehensive pinyin chart.

The audio data was then compiled into an Anki Deck, a tool in a popular flashcard app. With this Anki deck, learners can systematically practice their pronunciation, listening to the correct tones, and testing their recall and recognition.


  1. Download and install Anki.
  2. Download the Anki Deck.
  3. Import the deck into your Anki application.
  4. Start practicing!