
A simple RSS reader which pulls feeds from the given link. Node + React

Primary LanguageJavaScript


##Description A simple RSS Reader app build with Node and React, which takes in a URL and looks for a RSS feed at that URL. It then proceeds to pull the current content present in that feed.

  • Validations performed for null/malformed URL or server error.
  • Fully ReSTful API, along with appropriate HTTP status codes .

##Tech Stack

  • Backend: NodeJS, ExpressJS, rss-parser NPM module
  • Frontend: ReactJS, react-bootstrap components
  • Build system: Gulp
  • JSX conversion using Babel
  • Module bundler: Browserify

##Folder Structure This structure can be found at my seed project repo on GitHub

  • app.js NodeJS application
  • package.json server side NPM dependencies
  • static/
  • index.html HTML page for the app
  • package.json client side NPM dependencies
  • gulpfile.js Gulp build script
  • scripts/
    • app.client.js ReactJS application

##Running the app

  1. Pull from GitHub: git clone http://github.com/adityamedhe/RSS-Reader
  2. Install server side dependencies: npm install
  3. Install client side dependencies:
  • cd static/
  • npm install
  1. Run Gulp to build React app: gulp
  2. Ready to go! node app.js