Доброго в�ем
Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Che - Child of Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack for little bit code.
Can process assets during register plugin.
Can nested assets.
Can pipe HTML files with Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe::HTML.
Can compile Vue templates Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe::VueTemplateCompiler.
Can pipe CSS, JS, JSON, HTML with Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe::CombineFile into disk cache. This pipe can also gzip and cache gzipped assets.
Since parent version 1.28.
Version 2.106 (test on base Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack v2.10)
See parent module Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack for full documentation.
On register the plugin config
can contain additional optional argument process:
pipes => [qw(Sass Css JavaScriptPacker HTML CombineFile)],
CombineFile => { gzip => {min_size => 1000},}, # pipe options
HTML => {minify_opts=>{remove_newlines => 1,}},# pipe based on HTML::Packer
JavaScriptPacker => {minify_opts=>{}},# pipe based on JavaScript::Packer
process => [
['foo.js' => qw(path/to/foo1.js path/to/foo2.js)],
['bar.js' => qw(foo.js path/to/bar1.js path/to/bar2.js)], # nested topic
['foo.html' => qw(path/to/foo1.html path/to/foo2.html)],
Михаил Че (Mikhail Che), <mche[-at-]cpan.org>
Please report any bugs or feature requests at https://github.com/mche/Mojolicious-Plugin-AssetPack-Che/issues. Pull requests also welcome.
Copyright 2016-2020 Mikhail Che.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.