
This project is to implement a Distributed Storage System in Java with Netty. Users can run this program on different machines, then assign listening port. After setting up, users are allowed to upload files, the file will be splited into many chunks and with its replicas. The chunks and replicas will be stored in different machines, to ensure the availability.

Primary LanguageJava

Project 1: POSIX DFS With Probabilistic Routing

See the project spec here: https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~mmalensek/cs677/assignments/project-1.html

Design Document

Author: JiaChen and Jerry


IMPORTANT In utils/Constant.java, you must specify the FILEPATH_PREFIX to /bigdata/${whoami} if you want to deploy this project on orions.


java -cp dfs.jar edu.usfca.cs.dfs.DFSApp

Start server

server [port for clients to connect] [port for nodes to connect]

start Client

client [server's ip] [server's port]

start storage node

storage [server's ip] [server's port] [node name(could be any)] [node port for client to connect]

start posix-client

fuse [server's ip] [server's port] [mount point]

Example of running the project

server(supposed running on orion01)

Orion01 will run the dfs server, 8080 is for client to connect, 9090 is for nodes

java -jar dfs.jar server 8080 9090


A Node will connect to orion01:9090, and register a name as node1, 9098 is for other nodes and client to connect

java -jar dfs.jar storage orion01 9090 node1 9098  

Other nodes could run the same command


5. java -jar dfs.jar client orion01 8080 // the client wil connect to orion01:8080 and run a few commands like: 

After running the client, you can use some arguments:

  • -nodes
    • look up active nodes
  • -save [local file] [cluster directory]
    • upload the local file to cluster. the [cluster directory] must be a directory path.
    • exapmle: -save /bigdata/mchen81/afile.txt /aDir/
  • -retrieve [cluster file path] [local file path]
    • retrieve the file on cluster, must to provide a new file name for [local file path]
    • exapmle -retrieve /aDir/afile.txt /bigdata/mchen81/aNewFile.txt
  • -ls [cluster path]
    • list only directories on the given path


5. java -jar dfs.jar fuse orion01 8080 /bigdata/mchen81/dfsFuse // Note: /bigdata/mchen81/dfsFuse must exist before run this

After running the posix, you may check out files on cluster through /bigdata/mchen81/dfsFuse