Hill Climbing

By: Matthew Hendrickson, Winnie Ly and Alyssa Moore Writeup: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12Yx1CehKBXWKXSA1rNsrTnXWBeiT7DLLKO6n-26QHpI/edit


Running program by downloading through github: 1: Download the repository

2: Open command prompt and make sure you're in the "src" level of the project directory

3: Compile the program with "javac main.java"

4: Run the command "java main (1 or 2 for puzzle choice) (the file to read) (time in seconds)"

  • For puzzle 1, experiments were conducted with file: puzzle1test.txt
  • For puzzle 2, experiments were conducted with file: puzzle2test2.txt

5: Hit enter

6: Done!