
Vue3 plugin for displaying and editing the array-of-object in Excel style.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Excel Editor for VUE 3

Vue3 plugin for displaying and editing the array-of-object in Excel style. It supports the following features:

  • Excel-like UI
  • Real 2-way data binding
  • Column filtering
  • Column sorting
  • Export to Excel/CSV
  • Pagination
  • Row selection
  • Update the cells in all selected rows
  • Edit key support: up, down, left, right, page-up, page-down, tab, del, bs, enter, esc
  • Ctrl/meta key support: Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-F, Ctrl-G, Ctrl-L
  • Column validation
  • Cell error tooltip
  • Custom column header
  • Custom Row style
  • Readonly column
  • Column visibility
  • Column sequence
  • Column width adjustment
  • Undo update
  • Copy & Paste
  • Mass import Excel data

For Vue 2 version, please refer to the repository: https://github.com/cscan/vue-excel-editor

Getting started

Get the package:

npm install vue3-excel-editor

Register VueExcelEditor in your app entrypoint:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import VueExcelEditor from 'vue3-excel-editor'

const app = createApp(App)

In your template

    <vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata">
        <vue-excel-column field="user"   label="User ID"       type="string" width="80px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="name"   label="Name"          type="string" width="150px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="phone"  label="Contact"       type="string" width="130px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="gender" label="Gender"        type="select" width="50px" :options="['F','M','U']" />
        <vue-excel-column field="age"    label="Age"           type="number" width="70px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="birth"  label="Date Of Birth" type="date"   width="80px" />


Simple Outlook

Props List

Prop Component: vue-excel-editor

Name Mandatory Type Description
v-model Mandatory Array Edited data in Array Of Object
page Optional Number Specific page size, default is auto-calculating by screen height
no-paging Optional Boolean Disable paging feature, default is false
no-num-col Optional Boolean No number column, default is false
filter-row Optional Boolean Show fixed filter row, default is false
no-footer Optional Boolean No footer row, default is false
no-finding Optional Boolean Disable find key (ctrl-f) and finding dialog, default is false
no-finding-next Optional Boolean Disable find-next key (ctrl-g), default is false
free-select Optional Boolean Select multiple rows without pressing ctrl/meta key
autocomplete Optional Boolean Enable autocomplete of all columns, default is false
autocomplete-count Optional Number The maximum length of the autocomplete list, default is 50
readonly Optional Boolean Set all columns read only, default is false
readonly-style Optional Object The style of the read-only cell
height Optional String Define the exact height in px of the component, default is 'auto'
width Optional String Define the maximum width in px of the component, default is '100%'
row-style Optional Function Conditional row formatting, default is null
cell-style Optional Function Conditional cell formatting, default is null
header-label Optional Function Func to return the label, parameter are the field label, field object
record-label Optional Function Func to return the label, parameters are recordPosition, record object
localized-label Optional Object Customize labels and messages for localization purpose
n-filter-count Optional Number Number of items to be listed in filter dialog. Default is 200
remember Optional Boolean Remember the setting in localStorage, default is false
enterToSouth Optional Boolean Move the cell to bottom instead of right when hits enter
allow-add-col Optional Boolean Allow to show the add column button during column resize
add-column Optional Function Func to return the column definition when column is adding
no-header-edit Optional Boolean Not allow header label editing
spellcheck Optional Boolean Turn on spellcheck during editing
new-if-bottom Optional Boolean New record if focusing cell reach bottom
disable-panel-setting Optional Boolean Hide the setting panel
disable-panel-filter Optional Boolean Hide the filter panel
no-mouse-scroll Optional Boolean Disable the vertical scrolling by mouse

Prop Component: vue-excel-column

Name Mandatory Type Description
field Mandatory String Field name, row object key
label Optional String Header label, default is field name
type Optional String The column type
readonly Optional Boolean Read-only, default is parent prop: readonly
init-style Optional Object Cell inital style in css
sticky Optional Boolean Fixed column at left of the table, no response on horizontal scrolling
invisible Optional Boolean Column visibility, default is false
width Optional String Specified column width, default is '100px'
autoFillWidth Optional Boolean Extend the width of this column to fill the editor width, default is false
change Optional Function@ The function to be triggered when the data of this column changed
validate Optional Function The function to validate and return the error message
key-field Optional Boolean Specified the key field which is included in keys parameter in @update event
allow-keys Optional Array, Function Array of char which allow to input
mandatory Optional String If not empty, it is showed as error when it modified as blank, default is ''
length-limit Optional Number Not allow to input when the content length reaches the limit
autocomplete Optional Boolean Allow autocomplete popup when editing, default is parent prop: autocomplete
pos Optional Number Specified column sequence
text-transform Optional String Force the input to upppercase or lowercase when editing
text-align Optional String Text alignment, default is 'left'
options Optional Array, Function@ For type = 'select', define the selectable options in array
options Optional Object, Function For type = 'map', define the selectable options in hash
summary Optional String Summary: 'sum', 'avg', 'max', 'min'. Default is null
sort Optional Function The custom function for sorting the column
link Optional Function The function to react to the alt-click on cell text
to-text Optional Function The function to convert from object value to edit-text
to-value Optional Function The function to convert from edit-text to object value

@ - Function can return a promise

Column type

Type Value Display text Justify Validation Allow Keys Allow Null
string string string left none all Y
number numeric numeric right none -.0123456789 Y
select array string left value with options all Y
map hash string left value with options all Y
check10 1 or 0 1 or 0 center none 1 or 0 Y
checkYN Y or N Y or N center none ynYN Y
checkTF T or F T of F center none tfTF Y
date yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd left valid date none Y
datetime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn left valid datetime none Y
datetimesec yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn:ss yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn:ss left valid datetimesec none Y
datetick unix timestamp yyyy-mm-dd left valid date none Y
datetimetick unix timestamp yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn left valid datetime none Y
datetimesectick unix timestamp yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn:ss left valid datetimesec none Y

Hot Key List

Name Condition Description
Ctrl/Meta A Table Focus Select all rows
Ctrl/Meta C Cell Focus Select the cell text to clipboard
Ctrl/Meta V Cell Focus Place the clipboard text to cell
Ctrl/Meta Z Table Focus Undo the last update
Ctrl/Meta F Table Focus Popup the "Find" dialog
Ctrl/Meta G After Find Continue to find the text
Ctrl/Meta L Cell Focus Force to show autocomplete list, or the option list for "select" typed column

Events List

Event Component: vue-excel-editor

Name Arguemnts Description
update updateItemArray Update cell information
delete deleteItemArray Delete row information
select selectIdArray, direction Emit when rows are selected/unselected
cell-click rowPos, colPos Emit when a cell be clicked before focus
cell-focus {rowPos, colPos, cell, rec} Emit when a cell got focus
page-changed pageTopPos, pageBottomPos Emit when the page has changed
setting setting Emit when setting (column width, invisible state) is changed
validate-error error, row, field Emit when validation (both field and row level) occured

Methods List

Method Component: vue-excel-editor

Name Arguments Description
firstPage Move to the first page
lastPage Move to the last page
prevPage Move to the previous page
nextPage Move to the next page
moveNorth Move the cursor cell to upper cell
moveSouth Move the cursor cell to lower cell
moveWest Move the cursor cell to previous cell
moveEast Move the cursor cell to next cell
moveTo row, col* Move the cursor cell to cell(row, col)
moveToNorthWest Move the cursor cell to 1st row 1st col
moveToNorthEast Move the cursor cell to 1st row last col
moveToSouthWest Move the cursor cell to last row 1st col
moveToSouthEast Move the cursor cell to last row last col
doFind text Find the specified text in whole table and locate the cursor cell
doFindNext Contnue the last find
sort n, pos Sort the column specified by pos, n = 1 (ascending) or -1 (descending)
newRecord rec* Call this to new an empty record, return the rec pointer
deleteRecord rowpos Delete the record in pos rowpos
deleteSelectedRecords Delete all the selected records
selectRecord row Select the row
selectRecordByKeys keys Select the row by keys hash
selectRecordById id Select the row by $id
unSelectRecord row UnSelect the row
clearAllSelected Unselect all selected rows
getSelectedRecords Get an array of the selected row hash
exportTable fmt* Export the filtered table as xlsx/csv
importTable callback* Import the specified formatted xlsx
undoTransaction Undo the last update
setFilter name, text Set the filter text on column name
clearFilter name* Clear the filter text on column name
columnSuppress Hide the column if all values are null or empty
calSummary Calculate the summary of all columns
getFieldByName name Get the field object by name
getFieldByLabel label Get the field object by label
setRowError error, row Set the row validation error
setFieldError error, row, field Set the row validation error

* = optional argument

Variable List

Variable Component: vue-excel-editor

Name Type Description
processing Boolean Component is busy or not
pageTop Number The top row number of the current page
pageSize Number The number of rows of each page
fields AOO It contains the column spec create when mount
filterColumn Object Contains the current filters, developer can access the filter string via this
table AOO It contains the filtered records
selected Object Contains all the selected rows, the key is row number and the value is internal $id
selectedCount Number Number of rows are selected
errmsg Object Contains all the validation error messages, the key is internal $id plus field name
redo AOA The buffer of undo, it will be removed after undo or table changed

AOA = Array of Array, i.e. [[...], [...]]
AOO = Array of Object, i.e. [{...}, {...}]

I suppose you try to read all the above variables only. Do not try to modify any value of the above variables, unless you deeply walk through the codes and know the consequences.


An example to show 5x6 table:

    <vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" filter-row>
        <vue-excel-column field="user"   label="User ID"       type="string" width="80px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="name"   label="Name"          type="string" width="150px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="phone"  label="Contact"       type="string" width="130px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="gender" label="Gender"        type="select" width="50px" :options="['F','M','U']" />
        <vue-excel-column field="age"    label="Age"           type="number" width="70px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="birth"  label="Date Of Birth" type="date"   width="80px" />

Note that the component will read the vue-excel-column when it is created. You may also skip all the column definitions. The control will help you to "guess" the rest:

    <vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" filter-row />

The sample data contains 5 records:

export default {
    name: 'app',
    data: {
        jsondata: [
            {user: 'hc', name: 'Harry Cole',    phone: '1-415-2345678', gender: 'M', age: 25, birth: '1997-07-01'},
            {user: 'sm', name: 'Simon Minolta', phone: '1-123-7675682', gender: 'M', age: 20, birth: '1999-11-12'},
            {user: 'ra', name: 'Raymond Atom',  phone: '1-456-9981212', gender: 'M', age: 19, birth: '2000-06-11'},
            {user: 'ag', name: 'Mary George',   phone: '1-556-1245684', gender: 'F', age: 22, birth: '2002-08-01'},
            {user: 'kl', name: 'Kenny Linus',   phone: '1-891-2345685', gender: 'M', age: 29, birth: '1990-09-01'}

Work with redis for saving

You may capture the @delete and the @update event for saving purpose.

<vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" @delete="onDelete" @update="onUpdate">
    <vue-excel-column field="user" label="User ID" type="string" width="80px" key-field />

Specified "key-field" is necessary, it will reflect in rec.keys in the following:

methods: {
    onDelete (records) {
      records = records.map(rec => ['del', rec.keys.join()])
    onUpdate (records) {
      records = records.map(rec => ['hset', rec.keys.join(), rec.name, rec.newVal])

New row

Set the reference by ref="..."

<vue-excel-editor ref="grid" v-model="jsondata">
    <vue-excel-column field="user" label="User ID" type="string" width="80px" key-field />
methods: {
    newRecord () {
        const rec = {
            user: 'nm',
            name: 'Norman Morris',
            phone: '1-222-3333333',
            gender: 'M',
            age: 28,
            birth: '1993-05-16'
        // Call this to new record

After the record created, a set of @update events will be fired. If you undo a newRecord transaction, component will generate the corresponding @delete events. In case you do not care about the undo, you may skip this by appending the new record in v-model variable (jsondata array) directly.

Delete row

methods: {
    delRecord () {
        this.$refs.grid.deleteRecord(0) // delete the 1st record: Harry Cole

The component will generate the corresponding @delete events. You may also interest in the deleteSelectedRecords() method.

Remember the grid setting

The grid setting such as column width and column label can be saved in the localStorage of client browser by specified "remember" prop:

    <vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" remember>

You may also capture the @setting event to handle more specifics.

Change the column label

You may specify the column label in vue-excel-column label prop. However, it will persist after mounted. If you want to change the column label after mounted, you may try to update the variable fields. For example

    this.$refs.grid.fields.forEach((field) => {
        if (field.name === 'col23') field.label = 'Product'
        if (field.label === '') field.label = '(' + field.name + ')'
    this.$forceUpdate()  // remember to call vue update to reflesh the display

Change the column invisibility

Same as column label, you may make the column visible/invisible in vue-excel-column label prop. However, it will persist after mounted. If you want to change it after mounted, you may try to update the variable fields. For example

    this.$refs.grid.fields.forEach((field) => {
        if (field.name === 'col23') field.invisible = false
    this.$forceUpdate()  // remember to call vue update to reflesh the display

Export the content

The following provides the button to export the grid content.

    <button @click="exportAsExcel"> Export Excel </button>
    <button @click="exportAsCsv"> Export CSV </button>
    <vue-excel-editor ref="grid" ...>
methods: {
    exportAsExcel () {
        const format = 'xlsx'
        const exportSelectedOnly = true
        const filename = 'test'
        this.$refs.grid.exportTable(format, exportSelectedOnly, filename)
    exportAsCsv () {
        const format = 'csv'
        const exportSelectedOnly = true
        const filename = 'test'
        this.$refs.grid.exportTable(format, exportSelectedOnly, filename)

Note that only xlsx format supports compression.

Do something when user select/unselect the rows

The selected or unselected rows will be passed to the provided trigger method

    <vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" @select="onSelect">
methods: {
    onSelect (selectedRows) {

You may also want to watch the selected records count for displaying the action buttons. For example:

<button v-show="showDeleteAction"> Delete </button>
<button v-show="showSendEmailInvitationAction"> Invite </button>
<button v-show="showSendBirthdayGreetingAction"> Greeting </button>
computed: {
    showDeleteAction () {
        return this.$refs.grid.selectedCount > 0  // Show if any records selected
    showSendEmailInvitationAction () {
        return this.$refs.grid.selectedCount === 1  // Show if single record is selected
    showSendBirthdayGreetingAction () {
        // Show only if any selected people birthday matched today
        if (this.$refs.grid.selectedCount > 0) {
            return this.$refs.grid.getSelectedRecords().filter(item => item.birth === today).length > 0
            return false

Do something when user change a cell content

You could achieve this by placing the method in change prop

<vue-excel-column field="name" label="Name" type="string" width="150px" :change="onBeforeNameChange" />
<vue-excel-column field="phone" label="Contact" type="string" width="130px" :change="onBeforePhoneChange" />
<vue-excel-column field="birth" label="Date Of Birth" type="date" width="80px" :change="onBeforeBirthChange" />
methods: {
    onBeforeNameChange (...args) {
        console.log(...args)  // show all the arguments: newVal, oldVal, oldRow, field
    onBeforePhoneChange (newVal) {
        // This example demonstrate how to ensure the uniqueness of the phone number
        if (this.jsondata.findIndex(row => row.phone === newVal) >= 0)
            return false  // return false to reject the update
    onBeforeBirthChange (newVal, oldVal, row) {
        row.age = moment().diff(newVal, 'years')  // calculate the age if birth is changed

The change function can return a promise.

<vue-excel-column field="phone" label="Contact" type="string" width="130px" :change="onBeforePhoneChange" />
methods: {
    onBeforePhoneChange (newVal) {
        return new Promise((done) => {
            axios.post('checkPhoneNumber', {
                    phone: newVal
                .catch((e) => {

However, the promise routine may cause your web page has low performance. I suggest you use a validation prop to show the wrong content in a grid with the validation error.

Other Features

    <vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" no-paging autocomplete filter-row>
        <vue-excel-column field="user"   label="User ID"       type="string" width="80px" key-field />
        <vue-excel-column field="name"   label="Name"          type="string" width="150px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="phone"  label="Contact"       type="string" width="130px" :validate="validPhoneNum" />
        <vue-excel-column field="gender" label="Gender"        type="select" width="50px"  :options="['F','M','U']" />
        <vue-excel-column field="age"    label="Age"           type="number" width="70px" />
        <vue-excel-column field="birth"  label="Date Of Birth" type="date"   width="80px" />

Filter + Footer Rows

Specified filter-row prop to show filter row

<vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" filter-row>

If you don't want to show the footer, specified the no-footer prop

<vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" no-footer filter-row>

Filter + Footer Rows


The filtering is one of the focusing features. It supports regular expression and windows wild card syntax.


Component supports the prefx likes <, >, =, >=, <=, <>, ~ (regular expression) and wild-card * and ? symbol. Examples:

Example Description
abc The values contain ABC
abc* The values start by ABC
*abc The values end by ABC
=abc The values equal to ABC
<>abc The values do not equal to ABC
>= 100 The values are greater or equal to 100
< 0 The values are smaller than 0
po-18*5?? The values start from PO-18 and the 3rd-last char is 5
= The values are empty
~. The values are not empty
~.*tpx[ ]+ck The values have TPX and CK text and they have spaces in between
~[ ] The values contain space
~^so|ary$ The values start by SO or end by ARY
~[ ]+$|^[ ]+ The values start or end by spaces
~^[^ ]*$ The values have no space

Note that all filters are case-insensitive.



It is possible to assign custom sorting function for specified column:

<vue-excel-column field="birth" label="Date Of Birth" type="date" width="80px" :sort="sortingBirth" />
const moment = require('moment')

methods: {
    sortingBirth (a, b) {
        return moment(a).diff(moment(b), 'days')


When user enters text in cell and holds a second, component will show 10 matched occurences for user to choose. Autocomplete


<vue-excel-column field="gender" label="Gender" type="select" width="50px" :options="['F','M','U']" />

Specified the type = "select" for Options column. This works like Autocomplete, but the list is provided and fixed. Options


The "map" typed column is the same as "select" typed column, but the record value is not the same as the display text. The options prop required to provide the mapping of the value and text.

<vue-excel-column field="gender" label="Gender" type="map" width="50px" :options="{M:'Male','F':'Female','U':'Unknown'}" />



Click the row label to select the row. The component supports Excel-style which using Shift-click and Ctrl-click (Meta for OSX) combination to select multiple rows. You may also interested in the free-select prop to select the multiple rows without holding the shift key.



When the user updates any cell during select multiple rows, all cells of the same column of those selected rows will be updated.


Sticky column

<vue-excel-column field="user" label="User ID" type="string" width="80px" key-field sticky />

Specified "sticky" means the specified column is frozen when horizontal scrolling. Most likely sticky columns are leftmost.


<vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" autocomplete filter-row>

To gain better performance, I suggest you use paging by not specify "no-paging" prop. The component automatically calculates the page size once detecting the outer boundary resized. If you want to set the page size manually, try the prop "page". If more than 1 page is detected, the footer (horizontal scroll bar) will show the first/previous/next/last links for page navigation. You may customize these links by "localized-label" prop.


The following is for column validation.

<vue-excel-column field="phone" label="Contact" type="string" width="130px" :validate="validPhoneNum" />
methods: {
    validPhoneNum (content, oldContent, record, field) {
        if (content === '') return 'Mandatory field'
        if (!/^[0-9]{1}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{7}$/.test(content)) return 'Invalid Phone Number'
        return '' // return empty string if there is no error


The following is for row validation. It will be triggered for any changes. The error message will be shown at number column.

<vue-excel-editor :validate="validWholeRecord">
methods: {
    validWholeRecord (content, oldContent, record, field) {
        if (record.age !== moment().diff(record.birth, 'years')) return 'The age and birth do not match'
        return '' // return empty string if there is no error

You may want to receive the validation error. Component will emit an event "validation-error" if row or field validation error changed.

<vue-excel-editor @validate-error="logValidationError">
methods: {
    logValidationError (error, row, field) {
        // For row validation, the field argument will be null value
        console.log(error, row, field)


<vue-excel-column field="age" label="Age" type="number" width="70px" summary="sum" />


Summary prop supports "sum", "min", "max", "avg" and "count".

Note that "count" will instruct the component to count the cell which hold the following condition
Number: >0
String: non-empty
Check: "Y", "1" or "T"
DateTime: at or later than the current time

Use this with care. The summary calculation eats resource, so it only calculates when the number of records changed (i.e. New, delete, filter). It does not recalculate if user changes the cell content. You may trigger the calculation manually by calling calSummary method in the @update event.


This is a nice feature in enterprise applications. Actually, I was learning from SAP UI. When the user holds the function key (Alt-key here) and move the mouse over the cell content, the text will show as a link. If user clicks on the link, your custom function will be triggered. The following example shows how to route to the user profile page by clicking on the name column cell.

<vue-excel-column field="name" label="Name" type="string" width="150px" :link="routeToUserFunc" />
methods: {
    // Hold Alt Key and click on any name, program will route to the page "User Profile"
    routeToUserFunc (content, record) {

Text/Value conversion

Sometimes displaying text and the store value will be different. In order to deal with this, you could use column properties to-text and to-value.

<vue-excel-column field="phone" label="Contact" type="string" width="130px" :to-text="phoneToText" :to-value="phoneToVal" />
methods: {
    phoneToText (val) {
        // convert number to hyphenated i.e. 14152345678 => 1-415-2345678
        return val.replace(/^(.)(...)(.*)$/, '$1-$2-$3')
    phoneToVal (text) {
        // convert hyphenated text to number i.e. 1-415-2345678 => 14152345678
        return text.replace(/-/g, '')


The developer may override the default values through localized-label prop.

    <vue-excel-editor v-model="jsondata" :localized-label="myLabels">
data: {
    myLabels = {
        footerLeft: (top, bottom, total) => `Record ${top} to ${bottom} of ${total}`,
        first: 'First',
        previous: 'Previous',
        next: 'Next',
        last: 'Last',
        footerRight: {
            selected: 'Selected:',
            filtered: 'Filtered:',
            loaded: 'Loaded:'
        processing: 'Processing',
        tableSetting: 'Table Setting',
        exportExcel: 'Export Excel',
        importExcel: 'Import Excel',
        back: 'Back',
        reset: 'Default',
        sortingAndFiltering: 'Sorting And Filtering',
        sortAscending: 'Sort Ascending',
        sortDescending: 'Sort Descending',
        near: '≒ Near',
        exactMatch: '= Exact Match',
        notMatch: '≠ Not Match',
        greaterThan: '&gt; Greater Than',
        greaterThanOrEqualTo: '≥ Greater Than or Equal To',
        lessThan: '&lt; Less Than',
        lessThanOrEqualTo: '≤ Less Than Or Equal To',
        regularExpression: '~ Regular Expression',
        customFilter: 'Custom Filter',
        listFirstNValuesOnly: n => `List first ${n} values only`,
        apply: 'Apply',
        noRecordIsRead: 'No record is read',
        readonlyColumnDetected: 'Readonly column detected',
        columnHasValidationError: (name, err) => `Column ${name} has validation error: ${err}`,
        noMatchedColumnName: 'No matched column name',
        invalidInputValue: 'Invalid input value',
        missingKeyColumn: 'Missing key column',
        noRecordIndicator: 'No record'

This is for Chinese user

data: {
    myLabels = {
        footerLeft: (top, bottom) => `纪录 ${top}${bottom}`,
        first: '头页',
        previous: '上一页',
        next: '下一页',
        last: '尾页',
        footerRight: {
          selected: '选择:',
          filtered: '过滤:',
          loaded: '载入:'
        processing: '工作中',
        tableSetting: '表格设定',
        exportExcel: '汇出 Excel',
        importExcel: '汇入 Excel',
        back: '关',
        reset: '预设',
        sortingAndFiltering: '排序及过滤',
        sortAscending: '小至大排序',
        sortDescending: '大至小排序',
        near: '≒ 接近',
        exactMatch: '= 等于',
        notMatch: '≠ 不等于',
        greaterThan: '&gt; 大于',
        greaterThanOrEqualTo: '≥ 大于或等于',
        lessThan: '&lt; 少于',
        lessThanOrEqualTo: '≤ 少于或等于',
        regularExpression: '~ 正规表示式',
        customFilter: '过滤内容',
        listFirstNValuesOnly: n => `只列出 ${n} 项`,
        apply: '应用',
        noRecordIsRead: '没有纪录被读取',
        readonlyColumnDetected: '不可更新唯读纪录',
        columnHasValidationError: (name, err) => `纪录栏位 ${name} 发生核实错误: ${err}`,
        noMatchedColumnName: '没有能配对之栏位',
        invalidInputValue: '输入错误内容',
        missingKeyColumn: '找不到关键栏位',
        noRecordIndicator: '沒有纪录'


Chrome 79+, FireFox 71+, Safari 13+




Thanks to edutucci and reinerBa in helping to migrate to Vue3. This project is in an early stage of development. Any contribution is welcome. :D