
DCA trading bot

Primary LanguagePython

Crypto Trader

Crypto Trader is a Python library for Dollar Cost Averaging Crypto, with some other API driven abilties as well.

Docker Installation (Recommended)

Docker is the recommended way to get this program up and running fast, without having to setup your own personal environment.

You can run the Dockerfile either with the no-user flag or run it without the flag to look for user input.

Development Installation

Clone the git repository.

Make sure you have python 3 installed on your machine, this can be done via homebrew.

Make sure you have pip installed on your machine.

Make sure you have venv installed on your machine, this can be done via:

pip install venv

Once you have venv installed, you have to create a virtual environment in project folder. This can be done by running the following command

python -m venv venv

Then you need to activate the venv, this can be done using the via:

source venv/bin/activate

Once you are in the venv, you can now install the project dependencies.

Run the following command from the root directory of the project in the venv:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Once you have done this, it is all set up and ready to be used! Don't forget, you will need to be in the venv everytime you want to run the program.


There are multiple ways to use this bot. The 2 main features are the DCA scheduled buy and the one time run which will buy the specified porfolio at runtime.

To run the scheduled job, it requires the server/computer its running on to always be on and running the script. Therefore, if you don't have a server or raspberry pi, the single time run will be the best option.

In order to run the prgram run the following:

python -m bot

It will ask you what type of job you want to run, the keywords are schedule, run, or sell

If you choose schedule it will ask you if you want monthly, biweekly, or weekly; Select your prefered option.

The default invest time is sunday at 1pm local. This can be changed, and is explained here

You can also use the program to do singular sells through the API. This can save on transaction fees if they are lower on the API than on the platform, ex. Gemini. The sell command will ask you questions about what you want to sell, so follow the promopts and it will fill out a sell limit order based on the inputs.

You can also choose to run it via command line commands to run automatically and not require user input.

python -m bot no-user

You can also add the auto deposit flag for coinbase pro.

python -m bot no-user autodeposit


The program requires you to have environment variables or to create a .env file in the root directory. This will contain all of your api keys, passphrases and secrets for all the platforms.

The env file must follow the same structure as it relies on the names of the coniguration elements to run properly. Add your api secrets to the env file with the below syntax.


#for gemini
#for coinbase pro
#for kucoin


The other piece of information that is required is the crypto you want to buy and the amount in USD you want to buy of it. This is done in the dca_portfolio.py file in the root directory. You simply add the ticker value and the amount of money you want to invest per run per coin. There is also the ability to auto deposit into coinbase pro at the same time if you so choose, this can be done via adding:

cbpro_auto_deposit_amount = 25.00

You will also need to select yes when it asks you if you want to autodeposit on a scheduled job.

By creating a coin in the portfolio following the structure below, it will place a limit buy at the highest current bid, and then wait until the order is filled to move on to the next order. If the order isn't filled within a minute, then it will cancel the order and create a new order at the current highest bid.


gemini_portfolio = [
    Coin("btcusd", 30), 
    Coin("ethusd", 30)
cbpro_portfolio = [
    Coin("ALGO-USD", 10),
    Coin("ATOM-USD", 10)
kucoin_portfolio = [
    Coin("VET-BTC", 10)

So in this example, it will buy $30 in btc, $30 in eth, $10 in ALGO, $10 in ATOM, and $10 in VET. If you are not investing on one of the platforms simply remove all the Coin objects from the portfolio


gemini_portfolio = [ #not using gemini 
cbpro_portfolio = [ #using cbpro
    Coin("ALGO-USD", 10),
    Coin("ATOM-USD", 10)
kucoin_portfolio = [ #using kucoin
    Coin("VET-BTC", 10)

Changing the DCA time or day of the week

The default DCA time for the scheduled job is sunday at 1:00 pm local time. This can be changed to your liking by editing a singular line of code in the __main__.py file in the bot folder.


    schedule.every().sunday.at("13:00").do(scheduled_trade, timeframe=timeframe, deposit=deposit)

For example, if you wanted thursday at 3am:


    schedule.every().thursday.at("3:00").do(scheduled_trade, timeframe=timeframe, deposit=deposit)

Once you do this on your local version and save it, it will run with your changed settings!

Final Thoughts

Once you have the config setup and the dca portfolio to your liking, this will auto invest as you choose to take the emotion out of buying crypto. It will also reduce the fees as some exchanges have lower fees for API's.

Please feel free to make changes off this and customize the buying to your liking. Just wanted to build something to help simplify my strategy, so I hope it can help others out too.