What is this?

JMeter for Appian is a tool for Performance testing Appian using JMeter.


Using this plugin JMeter provides an "easy" way record and replay Appian processes.

Usage and Contributions

To use JMeter on your project, please follow the steps identified below for setting up the testing framework and creating/executing test cases.

We ask that whenever possible, you contribute back to the repository and the Appian PS community by:

  • adding any missing parameterization that's necessary
  • fixing issues and defects
  • implementing enhancements

As we work and contribute to make this tool better, we will take the greatest care to ensure that the next versions are backwards compatible. Rest assured that whatever changes are released in the future are NOT going to break your test cases.

If your team cannot directly enhance the framework, please make sure to contact the Appian CoE on Home or over email in order to provide your feedback.

We can help only if we know where the problems are!



  1. Download the newest version of JMeter.
  2. Unzip the release package and put the contents into JMETER_HOME which contains the following:
  3. ApacheJMeter_http.jar replaces the OOTB version with a few changes
  4. ApacheJMeter_components.jar version from OOTB 3.1 trunk with JSON fixes
  5. jmeter-for-appian-X.X.jar contains Appian specific functionality
  6. jmeter.properties turns on cookie settings
  7. Download the example template file template.jmx from the release.

Recording Your First JMeter Test

  1. Start JMeter if it isn't already running:
  2. In a command prompt navigate to JMETER_HOME\bin.
  3. Run jmeter.bat.
  4. Open the template.jmx file included in the release.
  5. Update the following in JMeter:
  6. User Defined Variables (Test Plan and WorkBench) - Change BASE_URL value to the correct site URL.
  7. HTTP Request Defaults (Test Plan and WorkBench) - Change Server Name or IP to the correct site URL.
  8. HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - Change URL Patterns to Include to correct site URL. All periods in the middle of the URL must be escaped with a backslash ''. Leave the .* at the beginning and end of URL.
  9. Start recording - click Start on HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
  10. Install the JMeter certificate:
  11. Right click JMETER_HOME\bin\ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and click Install Certificate.
  12. Follow Next > Place all certificates in the following store > Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Next > Finish > Yes > OK
  13. Configure browser to run through a proxy - Settings > Advanced > Change proxy settings > LAN settings > Use a proxy server for your LAN
    Address: localhost
    Port: 8090
  14. At this point samples should be recorded if you navigate to the site URL.
  15. Take the following actions:
  16. Navigate to the login page.
  17. Login.
  18. Move all of the created samples in the Recording Controller into the Login (Test Fragment).
  19. Take the following actions:
  20. Navigate to the Actions tab.
  21. Click on an action.
  22. Complete the action.
  23. Stop Recording - click Stop on HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
  24. Move all of the created samples in the Recording Controller into the Action (Test Fragment).
  25. You can now run the performance test again by clicking the green run arrow.
  26. View the results by clicking on Graph Results, Summary Report, or View Results Tree.

Development Environment Setup

Setup Maven

  1. Download Maven.
  2. Configure M2_HOME environment variable to point to your Maven installation directory.
  3. Add %M2_HOME%\bin to PATH environment variable.
  4. Add Git to PATH environment variable.

Clone the GitHub Repo

  1. Clone the project repo to your local computer using git clone git@github.com:mchirlin/JMeterForAppian.git

Eclipse Setup

  1. Setup the M2_REPO variable in Eclipse by running: mvn eclipse:configure-workspace -Declipse.workspace="<your-eclipse-workspace>".
  • If you don't know your eclipse workspace, open your Eclipse preferences and go to General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces.
  1. Cleanup any existing Eclipse project files mvn eclipse:clean
  2. Generate new Eclipse project files by running the following from the root of the Labs repo working directory: mvn eclipse:eclipse.
  3. Open Eclipse.
  4. Import the projects using File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.
  5. Select the repo folder and import the project.



Version Selection Methodology

  • Update MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, e.g. removing methods, changing method names, or anything that would require updates to existing test cases.
  • Update MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, e.g. adding new methods, updating drivers or jars.
  • Update PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes, e.g. fixing existing methods.


  1. Run mvn verify to run integration tests.
  2. Run mvn clean package (add -DskipTests=true to skip unit tests).
  3. Final JAR and Package are placed in the /target/ folder.