
This repository serves to document, share, and collaborate on scripts used in the University of Arkansas fruit breeding lab.

Primary LanguageR


UA Blackberry GWAS Project

  • See the markdown for documentation of the project thus far! Or see the code below.
  • readVCF_ARonly.R - This is a script for filtering the 8.7 Gb VCF file from RAPiD Genomics
  • Dogify.R - Making tetraploid incremental SNP calls in updog and formatting for GWASpoly.

GST4 Muscadine Validation Project

Miscellaneous R

  • QRlist.R - Generates a list of QR codes for the Fieldbook App with additional descriptive plot info
  • BLUP.R - Estimating Best Linear Unbiased Predictions (BLUPs) in R with lme4 for phenotypic GWAS data

Miscellaneous SAS

  • BLUPs.sas - Estimating Best Linear Unbiased Predictions (BLUPs) in SAS for phenotypic GWAS data
  • MultiMixed.sas - A handy SAS macro for running PROC MIXED over multiple traits with fewer lines of code

Other Scripts

  • Vibration_Table.ino - This is an Arduino script used to estimate frequency and displacement from tachometer and accelerometer data. A big thanks to Randy Andress in Biological and Agricultural Engineering for writing this for us.
  • BKB_IJ.ijm - An ImageJ macro script that standardizes white-balance, estimates RDR, and counts drupelet number.