
A Firebase and jQuery-based multiplayer online Rock Paper Scissors game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Firebase and jQuery-based multiplayer online Rock Paper Scissors game.


This application allows two users with separate sessions/devices to play against one another. The game follows straightforward rock paper scissors rules. Users' stats, choices, and chat messages are tracked and updated in realtime via Firebase. I took this project as an exercise in extending and hardening my skills with Firebase. As such, the design is relatively barebones, but edge cases are well-covered.

Getting Started

To play the game, you can visit https://rock-paper-scissorss.herokuapp.com/. You won't be able to play it alone, so make sure to grab a friend (or maybe just a second browser tab)! If you prefer to run the application locally, you can clone this repository and open index.html in your web browser of choice.


Mich Elliott - https://github.com/mchlltt


  • Background image via subtlepatterns.com
  • Favicon via pixabay
  • CSS framework via Bootstrap/Bootswatch