
Command line tool to manage your OpenStack configuration files

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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mracek is a CLI tool to manage your OpenStack configuration files.

mracek is inspired by kubectx/kubens.


  • Create/delete/modify/copy clouds and profiles in your $HOME/.config/openstack configuration.
  • Switch to a desired openstack cloud simply with mracek <cloud-name>.
  • mracek supports auto-completion under bash, fish and zsh shells.
  • mracek is opinionated about where it puts secrets (passwords, application credential secrets) and always puts them in secrets.yaml
  • The directory where the openstack config files are stored is configurable (defaults to $HOME/.config/openstack/). See configuration section below.
  • By setting the shell variable OS_CLOUD, mracek is compatible with starship.


Smoke tests


# Create a cloud
$ mracek create-cloud --username user1 --password very_secure --verify --auth-url https://cloud1.example.com:5000/v3 --project-name project1 --domain-name domain1 --region-name region1 cloud1

# Show cloud details
$ mracek show-cloud cloud1
    auth_url: https://cloud1.example.com:5000/v3
    username: user1
    password: <masked>
    project_name: project1
    domain_name: domain1
region_name: region1
verify: true

# Create a profile (a profile is a cloud stored in clouds-public.yaml)
$ mracek create-profile --username user1 --password very_secure --verify --auth-url https://cloud1.example.com:5000/v3 --project-name project1 --domain-name domain1 --region-name region1 profile1

# Show profile details
$ mracek show-profile profile1
    auth_url: https://cloud1.example.com:5000/v3
    username: user1
    password: <masked>
    project_name: project1
    domain_name: domain1
region_name: region1
verify: true

# List profiles
$ mracek list-profiles

# Use a cloud (exports the OS_CLOUD environment variable and launches a sub-shell)
$ mracek cloud1
Switching to cloud cloud1
$ env|grep ^OS_

# Delete a cloud
$ mracek delete-cloud cloud1

# Delete a profile
$ mracek delete-profile profile1

# Set cloud details
$ mracek set-cloud  --project-name project1 cloud1

# Set profile details
$ mracek set-profile  --project-name project1 profile1

# Copy cloud while changing the project name
$ mracek copy-cloud --project-name new-project source-cloud destination-cloud

# Smoke tests are basic tests, basically mracek just lists resources from several services (servers for nova, networks for neutron, etc...)
# Run smoke tests against a specific cloud
$ mracek smoke-tests some-cloud

# Run smoke tests against all regions in parallel
$ mracek smoke-tests


YUM/DNF repository (Fedora, CentOS, etc...)

To enable, add the following file /etc/yum.repos.d/mchlumsky.repo:

name=mchlumsky repository (mracek, etc...)


dnf install mracek
# or
yum install mracek

APT/DEB repository (Debian, Ubuntu, etc...)

To enable, add the following file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mchlumsky.list:

deb [trusted=yes] https://apt.fury.io/mchlumsky/ /


apt update
apt install mracek

Zypper repository (OpenSUSE)

To enable, run the following command:

zypper addrepo --no-gpgcheck https://yum.fury.io/mchlumsky/ mchlumsky
zypper install mracek

Binary Releases

Download and install a prebuilt release from here

From source

Install from source:

go install github.com/mchlumsky/mracek@latest


mracek supports configuration through the configuration file $HOME/.mracek.yaml by default and can be changed with the --config command line flag.


# Can be overridden by environment variable MRACEK_OS_CONFIG_DIR
os-config-dir: /path/to/openstack/config

# Can be overridden by environment variable MRACEK_SHELL
shell: /usr/bin/zsh

# Only export the OS_CLOUD variable when calling `mracek <cloud-name>`
os-cloud-only: true


Special thanks to JetBrains for the Open Source development license.