
Implementation of a simple 2 layer Neural network to classify a digit. Weights are truncated to integers for easy multiplication in hardware.

Hardware used: Altera Cyclone IV FPGA Terasic 1.3 Mega Pixel Camera

Network: Input layer of dimension [1,784] and output layer of dimension [784, 10]. Matrix multiplication done on FPGA is done in pixel-wise manner. 640 x 480 Camera image is truncated and downsampled to 28x28, which is the same dimension as an MNIST image.


First run to train the neural network and obtain truncated weights. Run to convert weights to hexadecimal which is read in by the FPGA. Place the weights file in the Neural Network folder in SV_code.

Import the project in SV_code to QUARTUS and compile.

Forward Propagation

  1. Ensure SW[17] is low on the FPGA
  2. Press KEY[0] to reset
  3. Press KEY[3] to run
  4. Key[3] also toggles between RGB/Greyscale/B/W mode on the screen (VGA output)
  5. Center the digit on screen and look at the classification on the HEX display
  6. Press KEY[2] to freeze the screen.

Backward Propagation

  1. Set SW[16:13] to the correct label in binary. eg) 1000 is label 8.
  2. Set SW[17] to high for as long as you want to train.