hacienda ninja

Disclaimer: this repo exists just for @jg-made to do dev work for Made. Use it at your own risk.

JFYI I am currently using ubuntu 20.04.

If you just want to browse the repo for useful stuff, I advise looking at the files in profiles/. For example, if you want to see how I am able to connect to the procurement database easily, you can look atprofiles/procurement.profile.

Best Features:

  • jira_what_am_doing see what the business wants from you without leaving the comfort of your nice dark terminal.
  • jira_papi_in_progress see what the kingslayer are doing.
  • madeenv switch between TEST, PROD and UAT $MADE_ENV with ease. There is even a zsh theme to display current $MADE_ENV!
  • papidb/ripdb connect to databases with minimal effort
  • vpn_like_a_boss restart the VPN with minimal effort.
  • vault_login access vault in an intelligent way, checking the $VAULT_ADDR matches current $MADE_ENV and avoiding repeated login requests which I think make consul/vault unhappy.



git clone https://github.com/jg-made/jg-made-system ~/.jg-made-system


Use oh-my-zsh shell. https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh


Ensure you have vault, consul and Jira CLI installed:


Symlink the stuff in configs to where they need to go. Just look up their names on the internet. Some of these configs you won't need (e.g. maybe you don't use screen like me, so you don't need screenrc config). The symlink you probably want the most is:

ln -s ~/.jg-made-system/configs/zshrc ~/.zshrc

If you are using my zshrc, you almost certainly will want to remove some stuff (it's all in the #CUSTOM section) such as me setting my EDITOR to a custom binary called em. In zshrc you will probably also want to comment out certain sourced "profiles". If in doubt, comment it out. Read any config FULLY before you use it!


Create a ROOT-ONLY (use sudo mkdir and sudo touch) auths directory in this project root. It should minimally look like this:

├── aws
│   └── secret_key_aws
├── madevpn
│   ├── Linux-AWS-VPN.conf
│   └── madevpn.profile
│   └── .secret_base_password
├── unset
│   └── madevpn.profile
└── vault
    └── github_token

secret_key_aws should be a root-only executable that returns the AWS MFA code which changes every 30 seconds. Mine looks like this:

watch -n1 oathtool --totp -b AWS_CREDENTIAL

Linux-AWS-VPN.conf you should get wholesale from dev-ops team.

madevpn.profile only exports two sensitive env vars: MAD.EVPN\_GO.OGLE\_COD3 (check the onboarding repo for vpn docs) and MAD.EVPN\_US.ER\_NAM3 (obvious typos int3ntional - remove the periods [.] - crawlers are wily these days)

.secret_base_password is your okta password.

unset/madevpn.profile only unsets sensitive env vars.

vault/github_token should contain only your vault github token.

Good luck!