- 1
Scan starts 2 cells out from desired location
#1334 opened by MeTheBosss - 4
Stopped showing Pokémon
#1335 opened by OliverAlmonte - 2
- 1
DB queue is > 50 (@298); try increasing --db-threads
#1331 opened by J6667 - 5
- 0
Faster way to add new accounts?
#1333 opened by J6667 - 2
Constant false spawns
#1326 opened by arthuraio - 2
It says "Update available, click here to install" but I still can't see Pokemons.. MacOS
#1327 opened by jarnocordia - 3
Pokemon Show up with 10 seconds left
#1328 opened by BoveMachine - 4
Stuck at 'Waiting'
#1329 opened by Nonkel - 1
adding more accounts
#1321 opened by desertdender - 2
A javascript error occured in the main process
#1322 opened by renzomaster28 - 6
Regression(?) TOS not accepted.
#1319 opened by Axeia - 2
Database Locked
#1320 opened by himeshpatel88 - 0
Waryas from FPM looking for Devs
#1317 opened by himeshpatel88 - 0
Scanning 0 results
#1318 opened by kamikzeNL - 0
When I start a server, I get this error
#1365 opened by vanyaboston - 1
error please help me
#1366 opened by dtcpatjuh - 6
Will this be updated for Gen 2
#1359 opened by Ang41187 - 2
- 1
has stop working
#1362 opened by killer93551277 - 0
My app wont connect?
#1353 opened by Jimmyboy666 - 7
No longer working :(
#1356 opened by Ang41187 - 1
Does this app still work?
#1357 opened by shwaggyman - 1
Desktop Map - Outage
#1358 opened by Cocoacat36 - 2
Banned after new update
#1350 opened by Ang41187 - 1
Pokemon not showing?
#1351 opened by ultimate2106 - 0
Multi location scanning
#1352 opened by manolomanila - 3
issue with loading names from the gym holder
#1347 opened by Elfandor - 2
not working anymore?
#1348 opened by Toodo - 1
More errors
#1349 opened by SetMeFree1 - 7
can someone help me please
#1344 opened by furax187 - 0
Manual Captcha Solver
#1346 opened by gauravyadav26 - 0
Latest release
#1345 opened by thebenk - 0
Speed Limit
#1339 opened by lobertcop - 1
Second Account Not Scanning
#1341 opened by RyusuiJL - 2
Map don't show all Pokemons and Spawn Points
#1342 opened by batsche - 2
Does the scanner shows if a pokémon is Ditto?
#1343 opened - 0
"An update is ready to install" ?
#1338 opened by NWTSCL - 0
- 3
Scanner isn't scanning
#1336 opened by ZaloSan - 2
For development purposes only
#1367 opened by MatGMC7 - 0
- 0
#1364 opened by JamesA27 - 2
Changing Config issue
#1355 opened by Chem450 - 0
Pokemon ".png" images
#1354 opened by felipeggc - 1
- 1
Can the way scans work be modified?
#1325 opened by musicgreg - 1
Stuck on loading, database disk image is malformed
#1324 opened by hubbalicious - 16
NEW FEATURE: Added Pokesniper2 snipe link to map
#1323 opened by luckofthelefty