

dovy opened this issue · 16 comments

dovy commented

Any ideas?

Push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected

I just saw this and realized my attempt to add the build pack failed. check your heroku config for the build pack url:

heroku config

It may ask you to specify the app name:

heroku config --app name-of-your-app

dovy commented

Tried a fresh install and fresh Heroku machine. Getting this:

Would really LOVE to use this, but I am sad it's just not working.

dovy commented

@jerrod Any ideas?

Looks like your build pack URL is missing .git at the end.

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 14, 2013, at 11:34 PM, Dovy Paukstys wrote:

@jerrod Any ideas?

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dovy commented

@jerrod Made the change, same issue:

only other thing i see is that your git push is only pushing 218 bytes - which means perhaps you havent committed anything to the repo you're pushing?

➜  Sites  git clone
Cloning into 'wordpress-on-heroku'...
remote: Counting objects: 289, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (213/213), done.
remote: Total 289 (delta 80), reused 250 (delta 64)
Receiving objects: 100% (289/289), 1.08 MiB | 1018 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (80/80), done.
➜  Sites  cd wordpress-on-heroku 
➜  wordpress-on-heroku git:(master) rm -rf .git
➜  wordpress-on-heroku  heroku create -n another-wp-test --account personal
Creating another-wp-test... done, stack is cedar |
➜  wordpress-on-heroku  git init .
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/jerrod/Sites/wordpress-on-heroku/.git/
➜  wordpress-on-heroku git:(master) ✗ git add .
➜  wordpress-on-heroku git:(master) ✗ git commit -am "initial import for deploy"
[master (root-commit) 58e113c] initial import for deploy
 153 files changed, 21411 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 README.markdown
 create mode 100644 config/public/apc.conf.php
 create mode 100644 config/public/phpinfo.php
 ..... and on and on .....
 create mode 100644 config/vendor/php/etc/php-fpm.conf
 create mode 100644 config/vendor/php/php.ini
➜  wordpress-on-heroku git:(master) ✗ git remote add heroku
➜  wordpress-on-heroku git:(master) ✗ heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=
Setting config vars and restarting another-wp-test... done, v3
➜  wordpress-on-heroku git:(master) git push heroku master
Counting objects: 183, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (173/173), done.
Writing objects: 100% (183/183), 1.06 MiB | 659 KiB/s, done.
Total 183 (delta 31), reused 0 (delta 0)

-----> Fetching custom git buildpack... done
-----> Wordpress app detected
-----> Installing Nginx v1.4.1
-----> Installing PHP v5.4.11
-----> Installing Wordpress v3.5.2
-----> Writing script
-----> Done with compile
-----> Discovering process types
       Procfile declares types     -> (none)
       Default types for Wordpress -> web

-----> Compiled slug size: 33.6MB
-----> Launching... done, v8 deployed to Heroku

To git@heroku.personal:another-wp-test.git
 * [new branch]      master -> master
➜  wordpress-on-heroku git:(master) 
dovy commented

@jerrod You are fantastic. Your instructions worked without a flaw. Thank you. I've been racking my brain. Perhaps include this in the readme?

Next question for you. Updating wordpress/plugins. I tried updating wordpress which caused all kinds of fun (had to re-deploy).

What would you suggest as a proper workflow?

I always do everything localIy (upgrades, plugin installs) while connected to the production database so when i deploy everything is in place.

There are a few threads on here about local development workflows but as far as i know, no official way. I would recommend using nginx locally as opposed to apache as well.

I also keep the entire wordpress codebase in my repo (in public) and don't pull down the zip on deploy. this allowed me to apply the database reconnect patch and upgrade on my own schedule.

On Aug 15, 2013, at 11:24 AM, Dovy Paukstys wrote:

@jerrod You are fantastic. Your instructions worked without a flaw. Thank you. I've been racking my brain. Perhaps include this in the readme?

Next question for you. Updating wordpress/plugins. I tried updating wordpress which caused all kinds of fun (had to re-deploy).

What would you suggest as a proper workflow?

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Do you connect your local installation to the production database?? And what happens when you add/upgrade something and the database gets upgraded but you have not deployed yet? That could break the production site, couldn't it?

dovy commented

Drat. I have apache locally. That's going to be painful to reconfigure.

I did not connect my local code to the remote DB. I kept them separate.

Setup is always the most painful, isn't it. ;)

I deploy with the inactive plugin first - then connect to the db locally. I've never seen anything break doing this.

I only connect to the production database just before deploying. I know its scary, but with wordpress insisting on storing configuration data in the database instead of yaml/etc, there really is no other options since you can't alter the filesystem on heroku.

On Aug 15, 2013, at 11:38 AM, Dovy Paukstys wrote:

Drat. I have apache locally. That's going to be painful to reconfigure.

I did not connect my local code to the remote DB. I kept them separate.

Setup is always the most painful, isn't it. ;)

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Are you on OSX? use homebrew =>

On Aug 15, 2013, at 11:38 AM, Dovy Paukstys wrote:

Drat. I have apache locally. That's going to be painful to reconfigure.

I did not connect my local code to the remote DB. I kept them separate.

Setup is always the most painful, isn't it. ;)

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I use Apache locally and I don't think that's a problem. The only downside
is that you are not able to test different nginx configurations, you have
to deploy them. But if you don't need to configure nginx you are fine using

I don't use memcachier either so I usually do a "git update-index
--assume-unchanged object-cache.php" and delete the file.

On 15 August 2013 17:38, Dovy Paukstys wrote:

Drat. I have apache locally. That's going to be painful to reconfigure.

I did not connect my local code to the remote DB. I kept them separate.

Setup is always the most painful, isn't it. ;)

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dovy commented

@jerrod @luisherranz Thanks for all your help.

How would I update wordpress as the current config relies on the s3 pre-compiled binaries?

Updating a plugin/theme, that's pretty strait forward. Thanks for all the advice. I'm really just confused about wordpress 3.6 now. ;)

you can override the version. see the last comment here:


On Aug 15, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Dovy Paukstys wrote:

@jerrod @luisherranz Thanks for all your help.

How would I update wordpress as the current config relies on the s3 pre-compiled binaries?

Updating a plugin/theme, that's pretty strait forward. Thanks for all the advice. I'm really just confused about wordpress 3.6 now. ;)

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Hi @dovy - I took a look at those screenshots you linked to and it appears you forgot to clone the wordpress-on-heroku repo.

The instructions in should cover everything you need. For details on VERSIONS available, see