
The code generates random traffic for an IoT simulator

Primary LanguagePython


The code generates random traffic for an IoT simulator.

We currently simulate the following sensor_types:

  • temp (in deg centigrade) every 1s
  • device (ON, OFF) every few seconds
  • motion camera (100, 1000 kbps) depending on detection
  • GPS (lat, lon) every few seconds depending on vehicular speed


 python sensor.py <sensor_type> <ip> <port> <id>
 python sensor.py camera localhost 5000 1

It also creates a log file (CSV) with filename dev_id.log. dev_id is a combination of <sensor_type>_<id>

 timestamp  seq_no   data_value

Camera is a special case in which the log file just stores the length of the data field because the simulated data from the camera can be very large. Instead the data is stored in a camera.data file