A batteries included boilerplate Flask project for getting new projects up and running quickly.
Features and extensions include:
- Bootstrap 3
- SQLAlchemy database and automatic migrations using Flask-Alembic
- CoffeeScript and LESS compilation and bundling using Flask-Assets
- User management and logins using Flask-Security
- Admin interface using Flask-Admin with automatically generated CRUD
- REST API using Flask-Restful
- Email using Flask-Mail
- Better development mode using Flask-Failsafe
- Deployment helpers for nginx/uWSGI and upstart
- Basic management scripts using Flask-Scripts
You may want to initialize a virtualenv for your project:
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
First you must install the python package dependencies using PIP. By default the project installs database drivers for both MySQL and PostgreSQL, you can remove the one you do not plan to use from requirements.txt if you like.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Compilers for LESS and CoffeeScript require the Node.js packages. Install npm from http://nodejs.org/ or using apt-get install npm. Once you have installed NPM you can must install the compilers:
$ npm install -g coffee-script
$ npm install -g less
Once you have installed the dependencies, call the init script to name your project:
$ python manage.py init <project_name>
You will need to configure your database settings and then perform the required database initialization.
Database support is provided through Flask-SQLAlchemy. By default this is configured to use MySQL. You can change this by using a different database URL in config.py. You should update this to use the correct username and host for your database. For example:
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "postgresql://andrew@localhost/{}".format(PROJECT_NAME)
Before getting started you must create your database in MySQL/PostgreSQL
$ mysql
$ create database <database-name>
Database migrations are handled by Flask-Alembic
You will need to perform all three of these steps to create your database before the first run.
First, have Flask-Alembic generate an alembic.ini
$ python manage.py migrate init
To automatically generate a new revision:
$ python manage.py migrate revision --autogenerate -m "message describing migration"
You should generate a migration every time you change the models so that the database will be in sync with the models. To apply migrations you would want to run:
$ python manage.py migrate upgrade head
Once you have initialized the database you should add yourself as an admin:
$ python manage.py add_admin test@example.com password
This will allow you to view the admin interface at /admin once you have logged in
All of the available Flask-Security templates have been included in the project. They have been modified so that they extend from base templates so that you can easily modify the look and feel of these pages and emails without editing each one individually.
Emails extend from the security/mails/base.html and security/mails/base.txt templates. User related pages extend from the security/base.html template (which also extends from your standard project base template)
Deployment is done using uWSGI and nginx.
Install uWSGI and use the uwsgi.conf upstart script to start uWSGI with the Emperor enabled. Link starter.ini into /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled
The starter.conf is the simplest nginx script to serve the site, link this into /etc/nginx/sites-enabled