- 2
Unexpected syntax error when parsing a regexp with backslashes and special characters (new in 1.16.1)
#68 opened by MatmaRex - 1
- 2
- 7
Peast cannot parse comma expression in assignment expression prior to ES8 (ES2017)
#65 opened by lucaswerkmeister - 1
Parser chokes on a method named async
#62 opened by TwoD - 1
- 2
Parsing issue
#60 opened by edysmp - 2
Generating optimized autoload files error → Could not scan for classes inside
#59 opened by remcotolsma - 3
async function declaration gets stripped
#58 opened by catch56 - 3
- 4
- 1
Failed to parse specific js code
#55 opened by zauan - 3
- 3
Fatal error when xdebug enabled
#53 opened by bart-jaskulski - 4
Typescript Support
#28 opened by Eric-P7 - 3
Security Policy questions
#51 opened by theodoreb - 1
Customize the grammar a bit?
#52 opened by frodeborli - 6
Fails to parse some JS
#50 opened by maniakalen - 2
Question: Known to PHP transpilers
#49 opened by mhsdesign - 4
- 1
Incorrect parsing of return statements with multi line template literals
#46 opened by malte-christian - 1
Formatter/Compact bug
#44 opened by tbela99 - 1
Issues parsing React Fragment short syntax
#43 opened by swissspidy - 1
Issues parsing comments in JSX
#42 opened by swissspidy - 2
Cannot parse ES2015 shorthand property name
#39 opened by swissspidy - 1
Cannot parse exponential notation
#40 opened by swissspidy - 2
Cannot parse newline in string argument
#41 opened by swissspidy - 2
Incorrect parsing of UTF-16 escape sequences
#37 opened by schlndh - 4
- 4
Tokenize method very slow on large JS files
#32 opened by ElectroMW - 2
Comment rendering
#36 opened by dudecacholinha - 3
- 4
PHP Parse error
#31 opened by afragen - 1
- 3
Failure to parse and tokenize
#30 opened by ElectroMW - 1
** right to left associativity
#29 opened by lukas-kuna - 0
Implement features of ES2021
#27 opened by mck89 - 0
Remove use statements with leading backslashes
#25 opened by mck89 - 1
MemberExpression parsing bug
#22 opened by lukas-kuna - 2
Implement remaining features of ES2020
#15 opened by mck89 - 0
Allow bigint literals as objects key
#19 opened by mck89 - 1
- 3
Composer deprecation notices: Class ... does not comply with psr-0 autoloading standard.
#18 opened by mikeschinkel - 4
Rendering check for MemberExpression
#17 opened by fengberd - 2
Parsing error
#16 opened by tristanleboss - 2
Compact mode bug
#14 opened by tristanleboss - 1
Improve error handling in stringToUTF8Array
#12 opened by tristanleboss - 3
Error in compacting object
#13 opened by tristanleboss - 3
Problem with compact mode breaking script
#11 opened by tristanleboss - 1