A simple JavaScript API for producing an accurate, intuitive description of the timespan between two Date instances.
- 0
wrong count 1 more month is added
#44 opened by AldoFerrari - 0
Update / push your project on NPM
#43 opened by quentingosset - 3
Migrate to ES6 export
#38 opened by shoonia - 1
TypeError: countdown__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default(...) is not a function
#42 opened by CalvinJamesHeath - 1
Update npm package
#39 opened by Abner97 - 1
Display units based on config, not value
#41 opened by Jelle-S - 2
Not working in Firefox?
#40 opened by gregfr - 2
Add support for Web Workers
#37 opened by shoonia - 6
Library isn't bundled by react native packager
#23 opened by Fitzpasd - 1
- 5
Not display the countdown on my iPad
#20 opened by phantanvietpk - 4
React Native
#18 opened by RoidosDiamond - 1
React Native Bug
#27 opened by matheusmatos - 2
Feature: trigger function when end date reached
#33 opened by bkmorse - 1
What to put in html?
#35 opened by ksteflovic - 1
Display days looks strange for dates in Febuary
#32 opened by kd7uiy - 9
Zero pad milliseconds with 3 digits?
#29 opened by jetersen - 3
Multiple timers on one page in a loop
#28 opened by artiox - 6
- 8
[feature] for better and easier reading convert weeks into month without some hours and minutes
#24 opened by AngelTs - 0
- 0
- 1
- 3
Upload countdown.js to a CDN
#2 opened by mckamey - 1
#15 opened by briancampbell8 - 0
Every link and script is loading twice
#13 opened by joelbrewster - 1
- 1
- 8
Is it possible .toHTML("tag","class")?
#9 opened by Ajaxsoap - 1
Problem with countdown
#8 opened by sektor2704 - 6
Modify localization interface
#7 opened by YURSHAT - 1
Improve localization interface
#1 opened by mckamey - 5
Unnecessary comma in generated text
#6 opened by th0r - 1
Leading zeros
#5 opened by dialogik - 2
Use no labels
#4 opened by dialogik - 1
version mismatch in v2.5.2
#3 opened by damienpuig