
Primary LanguagePython


Set up an animated gif photo booth at your next party.

What Is This? ~~~~~ gifBooth uses a computer vision library to record, save, and playback animated gifs. The gifs produced by gifBooth can easily be uploaded to the internet.

Hardware Requirements ~~~~~

  • A personal computer
  • Webcam
  • Two-button mouse

Software Requirements ~~~~~ * SimpleCV - http://www.simplecv.org/ * Python 2.7

Starting gifBooth ~~~~~

$ python gifBooth.py <optional arguments>

I highly recommend maintaining a consistent aspect ratio between the video feed and the display. For example, I sample the video feed at 320pix * 240pix which has an aspect ratio of 4:3. My monitor is 1920pix * 1080pix so it's native aspect ratio is 16:9. In order to display the video feed without stretching the image, I crop the display to 4:3 by trimming the width down to 1440pix using the arguments -video 320 240 -display 1440 1080

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vector_Video_Standards4.svg

How Users Interact With gifBooth ~~~~~ Left Mouse Button - Record gif. After recording, the gif is played back multiple times.

Right Mouse Button - Change time delay between each gif frame. The range of options is between 0.1 seconds (10 FPS) to 1 second (1 FPS).

Escape Key - Exit gifBooth


Installing SimpleCV, at least on Mac 10.7, was somewhat difficult. If I were doing this again I would have just used OpenCV. That being said, SimpleCV does have some nice features that can make some projects easier.


usage: VR_gif_booth.py [-h] [-frames GIF_FRAMES] [-frameSpeed GIF_FRAMESPEED]
                       [-video RESOLUTION_VIDEO [RESOLUTION_VIDEO ...]]
                       [-camera SELECT_CAMERA]
                       [-display RESOLUTION_DISPLAY [RESOLUTION_DISPLAY ...]]
                       [-directory GIF_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]

Make a animated gif photo booth.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -frames GIF_FRAMES, --gif_frames GIF_FRAMES
                        How many frames to record per animated gif.
  -frameSpeed GIF_FRAMESPEED, --gif_frameSpeed GIF_FRAMESPEED
                        How long between each gif frame in seconds.
                        The video feed is down sampled to this resolution.
                        Gifs are saved at this resolution! Format= "width
                        height" w/o quotes
  -camera SELECT_CAMERA, --select_camera SELECT_CAMERA
                        This selects which camera to use on setups with more
                        than one camera device. Requires initeger.
                        The resolution of the display. The video feed will
                        attempt to scale to this resolution. Value can be less
                        than physical display resolution. It's a very good
                        idea to match the aspect ratio of the of the video
                        feed! Format= "width height" w/o quotes
  -directory GIF_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, --gif_output_directory GIF_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
                        Where to save gifs. Default is a directory called
                        output in the current working directory