
Phoenix LiveView MultiSelect Component

Primary LanguageElixirOtherNOASSERTION

Phoenix LiveView MultiSelect Component

This project implements an Elixir Phoenix LiveView component that has a capability of selecting multiple check-boxed items from a list.


The component supports the following options:

  • Selection of multiple items from the given list of options
  • Limit the max number of selected items
  • Ability to either wrap the selected tags in the main div of the component or collapse them in a single tag
  • Ability to search in the list of options on the client side or on the server side
  • Support of light/dark color themes
  • Support of AlpineJS and LiveView.JS javascript libraries

Here's a sample video illustrating what this component looks like in action.

This component is inspired by this article but is a complete rewrite with added features for usability.


Serge Aleynikov


Include the project in the mix.exs as a dependency:

defp deps do
    {:phoenix_multi_select, "~> 0.1"},

Run mix deps.get, and mix multi_select.install. This will modify the following files:

  • assets/tailwind.config.js - to add the necessary color alias, and search path
  • assets/package.json - to add the tailwind scrollbar customization
  • assets/js/hooks/multi-select-hook.js - copied from the multi_select source
  • assets/js/hooks/index.js - add the MultiSelectHook

Install the javascript packages with your preferred package manager e.g cd assets && npm install or cd assets && yarn install

If the AlpineJS support is requested (:use_alpinejs options), the root.html.heex and app.js will be checked for installation of AlpineJS.


In your assets/js/app.js be sure to add the hooks entry with the live socket initialization:

import hooks from "./hooks" // <--- add this line
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
  params: { _csrf_token: csrfToken },
  hooks: hooks, // <--- add this line

In your project locate this file {{your_project}}_web.ex, and add:

  defp html_helpers do
    quote do
      import Phoenix.LiveView.Components.MultiSelect   ## <--- add this line

Now in the *.html.heex templates you can use the multi_select LiveView component like this:

    %{id: 1, label: "Option1"},
    %{id: 2, label: "Option2"},

For list of the available component's options see Phoenix.LiveView.Components.MultiSelect.multi_select/1

Customization (config.exs file)

  • In order to add a custom class name to the multi_select component that will be added to the top-most div element, and that it can be customized in your CSS files, add the following configuration option:
config :phoenix_multi_select,
  class_prefix: "some-class-name"
  • You can also override the build-in CSS classes for every aspect of the component's presentation by defining a custom callback module, that implements a apply_css/3 function, which will be called to get a string of CSS classes for every part of the component. Here is an example where the primary color is replaced by pink. The first argument to the apply_css/3 function is the ID of the element that needs to apply customization. This way if the page has multiple multi selects, they can be styled differently. See the @css attribute in multi_select.ex for the list of permissible tag values passed to the apply_css/3 function.
config :phoenix_multi_select,
  class_module: MyModule

Here is an example of implementation of such a module:

defmodule MyModule do
  def apply_css(_id, _tag, def_css_classes), do:
    String.replace(def_css_classes, "primary", "pink")
  • In order to enable AlpineJS support instead of LiveView.JS, set this config option:
config :phoenix_multi_select,
  use_alpinejs: true


The demo project is located in the examples/ directory, and can be compiled and run with:

cd examples
make run

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.